NPP submits memo to PMO, HRD Ministry

Excelsior Correspondent
NEW DELHI, May 14: Seeking justice to the contractual lecturers observing hunger strike for the last 89 days, NPP chairman  and former minister Harsh Dev Singh  submitted a petition to PMO and Union HRD Ministry and drew the attention of the top authorities of the country towards the pathetic plight of highly qualified youth of the State and particularly those of Jammu region who were subjected to worst form of human rights violations by the incumbent Govt.
In his petition, Harsh Dev stated that thousands of educated youth comprising PhDs, MPhils, double posts graduations etc had been engaged by the State Govt in Higher Secondary Schools of the State as lecturers on contractual / academic arrangements on paltry emoluments of Rs 7000 pm with a view of cater to the staff deficiency in the said schools. He said that despite the Govt extracting more work from the said lecturers, they were being paid negligible emoluments as compared to their counterparts in regular establishments drawing above Rs 45,000 pm. Not only that, the said contractual lecturers didn’t have any job security and were terminated at the sweet will of the higher authorities without assigning any reason, he stated.
Singh pointed out that hundreds of such lecturers were disengaged after having given several valuable years of their life to the department. No policy for regularization and termination of services at the verge of over age had created widespread resentment amongst the contractual lecturers’ fraternity who had taken to agitational course in Jammu region with chain hunger strike for the last 89 days. He apprised the country’s top leadership about the despicable apathy and criminal neglect exhibited by the J&K rulers in addressing the most genuine concerns of the most enlightened class of society.
Harsh Dev sought a policy of regularization for all such highly qualified lecturers who had always been the assets to the otherwise sick educational system in the State.