Justice Mir explains professional ethics, conduct to Advocates

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 20: State Judicial Academy under the guidance and instructions of Chief Justice (Chief Patron, State Judicial Academy) and Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir, Judge Incharge, State Judicial Academy held oath taking ceremony and distribution of Advocates’ license in the State Judicial Academy for the new entrants to the legal profession.
The function was presided over by Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir, Judge Incharge, State Judicial Academy. Before delivery of enrolment certificates (Advocate license) to the Advocates of Jammu Province, they were administered oath by Abdul Wahid, Director, State Judicial Academy.
In his key note address, Justice Mansoor Ahmed Mir stated that the first duty which the counsel owes to the court is to maintain its honour and dignity. “A conduct therefore, which is unworthy of him as an officer of justice cannot be justified by stating that he did it as the agent of his client. His status as an officer of justice does not mean he is subordinate to the Judge. It only means that he is an integral part of the machinery for the administration of justice,” Justice Mir said.
Explaining the professional ethics and conduct, Justice Mir stated that the advocate should not display temper in court. He should not indulge in any kind of insinuation in the court against the Judge. He should convince the Judge by argument and reason and not by appeal to his sentiments.
In his remarks, Director, State Judicial Academy hoped that Justice Mir’s advice, words of wisdom and suggestions will go a long way in making new entrants good professional lawyers.