Roads in shambles, Govt sleeping

Portion of road damaged at Toph Sherkhania, Jammu. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Portion of road damaged at Toph Sherkhania, Jammu. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU May 17:  Notwithstanding the claims of Government to construct 4000 kilometer roads this fiscal year, the situation on ground is totally disturbing with most of roads in Jammu city and its outskirts in shambles- the main reason for this being that the Kashmir valley reeling under unrest for quite a long time now, so the Government is not showing any interest towards the developmental works in Jammu region also.
According to reliable sources, the State Government is not taking any keen interest in executing the developmental works in Jammu region where the condition of roads is worst as their renovation and repair work was not taken up in hand during last two years now. The main reason for this being that the developmental works have suffered in Kashmir valley due to unrest and the Government wants to keep the works pending in Jammu too.
Sources said that the State Government is not showing any interest in the developmental process in otherwise peaceful Jammu region and the people here are also made to suffer and bear the brunt of the unrest in Kashmir. This is the reason that the condition of roads in Jammu is worst and many of them are not fit for movement of traffic also. Even the condition of some neglected roads is so bad that they have been turned into cesspools of water also, sources added.
Sources said that recently the blacktopping of the roads was undertaken in hand in outskirts of Jammu city on the insistence of a local MLA but the same was abandoned later on the instructions of the concerned Minister. The issue was also taken up by a senior BJP leader with the Party national president Amit Shah during his recent visit to Jammu. The BJP leader said that delaying the developmental process in Jammu is slated to damage the Party’s image in the region which has secured overwhelming public mandate during last Parliamentary and Assembly elections, sources added.
Sources said the BJP leader was so upset with the style of functioning of the concerned Minister that he was left with no alternative but to narrate the whole story before the national president of the Party.
Sources said the failure of the Government to renovate and repair the roads in Jammu city and its outskirts during last two years has generated a lot of public resentment with people taking to streets holding protest demonstrations and road blockades to register their protest.
The Coalition Government which is making tall claims about development has failed during the last two years of its rule to restore the vital roads in the City and it’s outskirts, sources added.
The delaying tactics of the concerned Ministry in taking up in hand the repairs and renovation of the Jammu roads has resulted into the brewing resentment among public against the dismal performance of public representatives also whom they blame that they have made false promises about development and hoodwinked the common masses in this regard as no concrete steps were taken for renovation of damaged roads during last two years of the coalition rule.
The condition of link roads is not worst in Jammu City only but some main roads are also in very bad condition like Ambphalla – Bantalab Kote Bhalwal road. This road is damaged at many places right from New Plots to Kote Bhalwal and onwards having deep ditches.
The authorities though blame worst condition of roads to digging by ERA and other agencies for laying sewerage pipes and cables etc but the Public Works Department (PWD) has failed to renovate those roads also where no digging was being done by ERA or any other agency and which were damaged due to Monsoon and Winter rains. The New Plots -Kotebhalwal road has become a death trap as it is damaged at many places right from Tali Morh.
At Tali Morh this road has turned into a drain as water overflows over its surface. Main Stop onwards, Janipur the road is damaged at many places up to Police Station Janipur. There are deep ditches in front of Basant Nagar petrol pump, grave yard Basant Nagar, Paloura and in front of Police Station Janipur, near Chinore right up to Kotebhalwal. Despite the road being alternative to Akhnoor road and having heavy rush of vehicular traffic, the authorities have not bothered to repair it till date. The Top Sherkhania road is also damaged totally.
Same is the condition of Paloura Top to Sarwal -Rehari road which is fully damaged from Paloura Top to Rehari having many ditches with sides dug at various places.  The condition of Lakar Mandi Link road is also bad as it has been damaged by a telephone company after laying the wires. Though the company has completed the work, the Department has failed to renovate it. The bad condition of the road has added to the woes of people as it has become prone to accidents now.
The condition of Gho Manhasan road is also very bad. The road was totally damaged from Paloura to Bohri Chungi especially near Manorama Vihar.  The Muthi Akalpur Sarora road is also totally damaged. Same is the condition of Rajouri Lines Barnai to Akalpur link road.  Though the Department has renovated a small portion of Janipur road at New Plots but the workmanship is not up to the mark as it looks totally shabby. The muck and mulba is lying at various places on this stretch of road creating impediments in free movement of vehicular traffic.
Same is the condition of Talab Tillo to Khagriyal road which is also in damaged condition.
The Bohri-Gho Manhasan road which was renovated some time back still has some stretches which have not been attended. Moreover the manholes of the drains passing beneath the road have undulations which can cause accidents. The muck stocked on the sides of road after cleaning the canal tributaries creates health hazards in the area as huge dust billows up while vehicles pass over this road which enters adjoining houses and shops in the area.
The Rajinder Nagar -Bantalab Link road is damaged at various places and the condition of  Bantalab- Barnai road is also bad having been damaged at various places. The Link road from Bantalab to Patoli via canal bank is in a very bad condition.
What can be the more callousness of the authorities that they have also failed to renovate the 50 feet patch of the Fourth bridge road.  This road is also in a damaged condition at various places towards Talab Tillo. Moreover, the link roads connecting Talab Tiloo via Agriculture, SIDCO Lane etc are too in a damaged condition at various places.
In RS Pura 10 kilometer Dablehar to Maralian road is totally damaged while the condition of other roads like Keer Pind to Mesian, Rattian to Kirpind, Tanda to Kirpind and link road in the village Kirpind are not fit for traffic.
However, the Minister of State for PWD Sunil Sharma said that the Government is going to start the renovation work on war footing basis and all the roads will be fully macadamized. He said the funds have been released for the same and the tenders will be called soon.
When contacted the Chief Engineer R&B Sudhir Shah said that the delay in renovation of roads in the city was due to ERA as at various places the Department has not finished the work of laying pipes etc as yet.
He said to start the speedy renovation of the city roads the Department held a meeting with representatives of ERA on May 15 to take the latest stock of the work executed by them so that the renovation of roads in the city is taken in hand as early as possible. “They sought 15 days more time from us to finish the remaining work and the Department is seriously pursuing them. To review the progress the next meeting with the representatives of ERA has been scheduled on May 22”, he added.