12 injured as security forces launch anti-militancy ops

Adil Lateef
Srinagar, May 17: Security forces today conducted counter-insurgency operations in South Kashmir districts during which locals resorted to stone-pelting to hamper these operations against the militants, resulting in injuries to 12 persons.
The operations against militants were launched in Shopian, Kulgam and Pulwama districts separately. Police said: “in an effort to flush out the holed up militants”, the security forces including Special Operation Group (SOG), Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) conducted extensive searches in Heff and Shirmal villages of Shopian district. The operation was launched during midnight and continued till around 10 am.
“There was no specific information about the militants but it was a speculative operation,” a police officer said, adding at least 1000 security personnel were involved in the operation.
At least five militants including a wanted commander Saddam Padder belonged to these two villages. “Militants do come and go in Heff and Shermal and that is why the operation was launched,” the officer added.
As the dawn descended, locals in large numbers came out of their houses and started protests against the search operation. The locals in a bid to disrupt the operation pelted stones on security forces who retaliated by firing teargas and pellets, ensuing clashes. Locals alleged that security forces thrashed residents including family members of militants and vandalized properties. Residents said 11 persons sustained injuries in the clashes.
However, a police spokesman said during the searches, security forces exercised “maximum restraint while dealing with the miscreants, who tried to disrupt the operation at Heff”. “After successful completion of searches with the cooperation of villagers, the operation concluded as planned this morning,” he said. “Reports of ransacking and beating of people are not based on facts. The DIG South Kashmir SP Pani has said that there were no injuries to any person,” the spokesman added.
The security forces also launched another search and cordon operation at Mahmudpora village of South Kashmir’s Kulgam district. After receiving an input about the militants’ presence, the operation was launched. However, the locals disrupted the operation by pelting stones on security forces involved in the anti-militancy operation.
Police used teargas shells to disperse the stone-pelting crowds during which one lady identified as Zareefa was hit by a smoke canister. She was rushed to hospital and is undergoing treatment. The clashes between the two sides continued till late in the evening and no militant was found in the village.
In the meanwhile, security forces late this afternoon launched an anti-militancy operation at Seer village of Tral in Pulwama district. Sources said that after receiving input about the presence of four local militants, the Seer village was cordoned off by Army, SOG and CRPF. As the searches were ensued, locals started pelting stones on security forces, sparking off clashes. Security forces suspected presence of militants in a hideout. As clashes continued, the security forces suspended the search operation due to darkness till dawn. However, the cordon was intact.
Meanwhile, students in Valley today once again staged protests and clashed with security forces. The students of Gandhi Memorial College and MPML Higher Secondary School at Bagh-e-Dilawar Khan here boycotted their classes and started protests against the detention of their peers. They pelted stones on police deployed near Baba Demb Road. Police fired teargas shells and used pepper grenades to quell the stones.
However, students continued to pelt stones on police, resulting in chaos in the entire area. The clashes continued for nearly two hours between the two sides. The clashes between students and security forces also broke out at Pattan in Baramulla district and in Hajin town of Bandipora district. At these places, police used tear and pepper canisters against the students, who were protesting against the State and demanding release of their detained peers.
According to the Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, class work in Sri Pratap Higher Secondary School Maulana Azad Road and MP Higher Secondary School Bagh-e-Dilawar Khan shall remain suspended tomorrow as a “precautionary measure”. The class work in Sopore Higher Secondary School shall also remain suspended.