Rohingyas : A core concern

D K Kotwal
J and K state has been engaged in dealing with the militancy for the last three decades though it is now restricted to the valley yet is being watched by the nation with an eagle’s eye, as it is in spine-chilling form. The issue at hand is taking a new turn and shape with every passing day and an immediate resolution of it seems but elusive. Still the country is unnerved over the Kashmir problem and wants it to settle down and at the same time, it is a matter of concern that so called politicians of the day have given  birth to another potent problem that is knocking at our door forcefully. What that cliff-hanger is ? That is Rohingyas of Burma who  have been settled in districts of Jammu and Kashmir in thousands.
Burma known as Republic of the Union of Mynamar, also called ‘Golden Land’ is in the South East Asia and shares borders with  Bangladesh,India, China, Laos and Thiland  Rohingyas people are Muslim Indo-Aryan people from the Rakhani state of Mynamar. International media and human rights organizations have often described ‘Rohingyas’as one of the most persecuted minorities of the world. According to the United Nations, the human rights violations against Rohingyas could be termed a ‘crime against humanity.’ According to Rohingyas and other scholars , they are indigenous to Rakhine state’while other historians claim that the group represents a mixture of pre-colonial and colonial immigrations. The official stance of Mynamar govt., however, has been that Rohingyas are mainly illegal immigrants who migrated into Akrakan following Burma independence in 1948 or after the Bangladesh liberation war in 1971. In1926 ,after the first Anglo-Burmese war, the British annexed Akhran and encouraged migration from Bengal to work  as labourers mostly muslims. During world war second the Akaran massacres involved communal violence between Rakani muslims and Budhist Rakani people and since then Mynamar is ethnically  polarised. .After Burma’s independence in 1948 from British Authorities, the mujahideens (Muslim) rebellion began  a separatist movement to bring an end to discrimination being exercised by Buddisht administration against Ronhingyas.  In 1982, General Ne win’s govt  enacted the Burmese nationality law which denied Rohingyas citizenship, rendering a majority of Rohingyas population stateless
In the wake of 2012 Rakhani State riots, 2015  Rohingya refugee crisis and the military crackdown of 2016, many Rohingyas   fled to neighbouring Bangladesh, to areas along the border of Thailand, Pakistani city of Krachi  and India. More than 100,000 Rohingyas live in camps for internally displaced persons. Some of the ill-fated Rohingyas   have illegally settled in the area of Bathindi and Samba areas of Jammu. Today two questions are being asked by the inhabitants of Jammu Region and what are they? They are—- 1. Who settled them here? What was the real motive of illegally settling them (Rohingyas) at the cost of state’s safety and security? For the first question the answer is obvious and crystal clear that it was the NC regime in the state and UPA leadership at the center that can be squarely held responsible for the illegal settlement of Burma Rohingyas. The second question remains a mystery for we Jammuties. About the intentions of the governments for embracing the potent problem there is a need of a thorough probe. They are being helped out by certain NGOS of the country and even from  the abroad. They have engaged themselves in menial jobs. They work  as rag pickers and clean railway platforms. Some of them also work as labourers for local contractors in Jammu city and other parts of the region. There is a vast scope of these people falling prey to the nefarious designs of the anti-national elements and even of Pak ISI and armed insurgents of the state. This is rather the most vulnerable group that can be easily used for militant activities.
The sad part of the story is that the issue snowballed into a major controversy when some refugees managed to acquire important documents such as Adhar Cards, RationCards, fake Residence Certificates and  even election identity proofs  through fraudulent means with the knee deep involvement of district administration. They are getting birth certificates, facilitating their children to get admission in govt. run educational institutes of the state.  The Home Ministry was made aware of the development by intelligence agencies giving inputs that refugees were vulnerable and at the risk of being fallen at the hands  of anti social and anti national elements but so far no action has  been initiated to resolve the cropping  up issue. Recently important documents of the refugees are reported to have been seized by the district authorties. Now it becomes essential for the present state dispensation to look into the matter in-depth identifying the officials responsible for issuing the documents by fraudulent means to the refugees and subjecting them to exemplary punishment so that it can be a deterrent to others.
But here I am to say that it is not only the handiwork of some officers of the district but without any doubt it can be said that this unwarranted intention has been accomplished at the bidding of political leadership of that time. .This cheap political leadership ever keeps its eyes on vote bank and grinds its own axe at the cost of suffering of the nation at large. As of now ,political class has stooped so low that they may  sell out the nation to fill up their coffers. It is  the demand of the present that right thinking  people, men of integrity and denizens of high moral standard must come forward and voters must elect such  uprights      as their representatives to save the society from self invented oddities and problems of the so called leaders. If we look at the problem  in offing through  the prism  of communalism we find that  the sizeable section of the society  allege that the illegal  settlement has been materialized to change the demographic status and character of the Jammu region. The public has a valid reason to give credence to their  utterances because since 1947 we have got west pak  refugees who till date have not got state rights  viz  essential documents like state subjects, election identity proofs etcetra. It is strange that Rohingyas  have got everything  that they require on a platter.
Jammu is frequently witnessing protest against illegal immigrants from Mynamar and Bangladesh. People are calling them a big threat both to security and society. Dozens of social organizations ,political parties and associations of all hues are united on this issue and have been raising their voice in unison against the illegal settlement of the refugees in Jammu region. The most genuine demand of the people seems to have entered into the insensitive and deaf ears of the state dispensation as it has now set up a group of ministers(GOM) to look into the issue and come out with its findings but still there is many a slip between the cup and the lips. The public is now conscious and visionary to envisage the forthcoming issues that can be detrimental to their peaceful life and want an immediate solution thereof but it is unfortunate that their representatives ever remain engrossed in creating and inventing the problems because of their selfish and ulterior motives.   In the face of present issue, we should not accept the solution bereft of deportation of illegal immigrants to their native place.