Mediclaim insurance

Refer news item ‘Lakhs of Govt employees without Mediclaim Insurance in J&K’ DE  May 24.
The State Government has never been sincere or interested in providing mediclaim insurance to its employees. It is just happy by providing them a paltry sum of Rs 300, as medical allowance per month. This sum is not even sufficient to pay consultation fees of the doctor. It only reflects uncaring attitude of the authorities.
The Government had taken steps in providing insurance to employees when it entered into an agreement with a private insurance company to do the job. At that time it covered all its employees whether low or high. Everybody felt satisfied on getting a security cover. But this was a short living phenomenon. As the agreement ended, no efforts were made to renew it. After a gap of almost five years, the new dispensation at the helm of affairs once again decided to provide insurance cover to its employees but at this time  it was only for Gazetted officers only leaving other sections to fend for themselves. Now nobody is insured, leaving employees at the mercy of God and their own resources.
The Government must once again enter  into an agreement with an insurance Company to cover its employees. It will be one of the pro-employees welfare measures.
Yours etc…
Amit Kumar

At a time when prices of medicines is sky-rocketting, it is extremely difficult for State Government employees to meet the same with the salary they are getting at present.
It involves lakhs of rupees for an accident victim or a man suffering from any chronic disease. Since the Public Health sector in the State is not in a position to meet the needs of patients, people prefer private treatment which comes at a huge cost beyond the reach of a common  man. Though Government compensates to some extent in case of any chronic disease like cancer, the process of getting reimbursement is quite difficult. It involves both time and money. It is  duty of the Government  to take  care of its employees by bringing them under insurance cover or by increasing medical allowance from Rs 300 to Rs 3000. It will to some extent compensate the  employees.
Yours etc…
Rashpal Singh