Lal Singh conducts open public darbar

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 27: To have an on spot study of the problems of the people Minister for Forest, Ecology & Environment Choudhary Lal Singh conducted open public darbar here at Party Headquarter, Trikuta Nagar today. Several officials from the department were also accompanying the Minister.
While listening to public grievances, Minister said that Central Government led by PM Narendra Modi is keen to work for the development of nation. BJP follows the principle of “nation first, party second, self last” and is committed to give hundred percent for the public welfare. He said that these type of regular interaction programmes scheduled by the party are enabling party ministers to have a direct reach to party activists as well as general public.
He also said that today we are proud to complete three years of corruption free Government at the Centre. He claimed that today we have stepped into an era of development and nation building and the people of India are reciprocating the gesture with plenty of joy and affection for PM Modi.
More than 50 deputations met Minister for redressal of their personal as well as public problems. Various important issues were highlighted by the delegations which included construction of roads, development of ponds and parks in their areas. Issue related to cooperative society was also taken. An Industry related issue was also attended to by the Minister. Other issues related to the saw mills, plantations etc. were also taken by various deputations. Ch. Lal Singh addressed many problems by telephonically talking to the authorities and issued written instructions for others.
The whole program was coordinated by State Secretary & State Incharge Election Related Matters Rajinder Sharma. Rajinder Sharma asked the Minister to promote Jammu tourist circuit by developing Gharana Wetland, Mansar and Surinsar Forest Area and Herbal Park at Jammu near Bawe. Suresh Sharma, Varinderjit Singh, Kulwant Singh, Dr. Pardeep Mahotra were also present during the programme.