Super Cop is no more

We express shock over the demise of the Indian Super Cop, KPS Gill whose death happened in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi where he was admitted for treatment of kidney problem. The super cop will be remembered in the contemporary history of India as a pioneering police officer who daringly met the challenge of an armed revolt in Punjab called Khalistan movement in which a neighbouring adversary country played clandestine role. As chief of Punjab Police, he dealt the insurgency with an iron hand and succeeded in uprooting the menace lock, stock and barrel. In this way he distinguished himself as a bold and forthright expert in handling insurgencies in the country. That was the reason why his services were requisitioned by the Governments of Chhatisgarh and Gujarat to deal with armed insurgency and uprisings. Even the Government of Sri Lanka too had requisitioned his expert services while it was fighting to curb the LTTE sedition.
KPS Gill was very much in the forefront of anti terrorists operations in Punjab. His pain and the pain of all nationalist of any faith was that the misguided youth was singing to the tune of external elements that are our enemies and not well wishers. His tragedy was that the Punjab Sikhs, who had performed heroic deeds in three wars with Pakistan and prove their metal, cannot succumb to the instigations of a foreign country leading to sedition against our own nation.
The job of a police chief is not that simple. It is very difficult and complicated job in which chances of incurring the wrath of the people are very high. KPS had his share of difficulties and some failures during his career. But what will keep his memory alive for all times to come will be his unstinted faith in the Indian nation and the Indian State. As such he is a national hero incomparable in his courage, determination and handling of his subordinates. We join those who pay tribute to him as national hero.