Javadekar launches anti ragging mobile app for students

NEW DELHI, May 29:
Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar today launched an anti-ragging mobile app introduced by the University Grants Commission (UGC) here that he said will ”help students register complaints to counter the menace of ragging”.
Launching the mobile app, Mr Javadekar said “physical or mental torture of a new student is ragging which we won’t allow, this is unacceptable and therefore this app will become a handy tool to any student who goes through such experience.”
Mr Javadekar said as per his knowledge in campuses majority of senior students actually help guide their juniors and properly mentor them, but in a few cases ragging took place which needed to be completely eliminated from campuses.
He said earlier one had to visit the website for registering a complaint of ragging. Now, this app would work on the android system on which students could log in and register their complaints immediately. Accordingly all concerned would be informed immediately and action would start immediately.
He felt ”it is a good step for protection and will give a feeling of security to students” and categorically cautioned that those involved in ragging would not be tolerated and they would not be allowed to continue their education in that institution. (PTI)
At the same time they will meet severe penalty and punishment as per the law. However, the Minister expressed hope that ”good senior students will act as mentors for their juniors”.
”Our record shows that timely action was taken which in turn had resulted in the decrease of such instances. But still this ill has to be eliminated completely,” he said. (UNI)