Employees’ demands under consideration: Rather

Excelsior Correspondent

Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Abdul Rahim Rather addressing convention of JKNTUF at Srinagar on Monday.

SRINAGAR, Oct 22: Minister for Finance & Ladakh Affairs, Abdul Rahim Rather today said that the release of 7% DA in cash to the employees of the State before Eid-ul-Azha, is under active consideration of the Government.
Speaking at the one day annual Provincial Convention of the Jammu and Kashmir National Trade Union Front held at Sheikh-ul-Aalam Hall, Budgam today, Mr Rather said that most of the demands of the employees have been already fulfilled and the remaining demands too are under consideration of the Government with positive frame of mind.
He said, Government is well abreast with the problems of the employees which can be sorted out through dialogue and reconciliation without resorting to confrontation. He said confrontation is neither in the interest of employees nor people but only puts the masses to great hardships. He said that Government is committed to the well being of employees and worker class, adding that they too should perform their duties dedicatedly to serve the people and redress their grievances as per their aspirations.
The District Development Commissioner, Budgam, Mohammad Akbar, president, J&K National Trade Union Front, Mohammad Gafoor Dar and  general secretary, G.R. Geelani, vice president, Ab Ahad Bandroo, delegates from all the districts of the Kashmir province and a large number of employees were present on the occasion.
Mr. Rather said that the Cabinet Su- Committee (CSC) in its recent meeting discussed the issue of Casual Labours (CLs) where it was observed that most of the departments have not submitted the requisite information in this regard and the information submitted by some departments is too incomplete. He said, the Government is committed to its promise to regularize all such Daily Rated Worker(DWs) who have been engaged up to 1994 after which engagement of DWs has been banned.
Mr. Rather said  that earlier also 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission recommendations along with arrears were implemented when he was Finance Minister,  for the benefit of employees, despite limited resources. This itself speaks about the seriousness and commitment of the Government towards the cause of employees and workers, Mr Rather said, adding that  payment of 6th Pay Commission arrears to the employees laid a burden of Rs. 4200 crore on the State exchequer.
Gafoor Dar, highlighted the demands of the employees which included regularization of leftover day rated workers and regularization policy for those casual labourers, need base and temporary workers who have been engaged after 1994.
Enhancement of retirement age, removal of pay anomalies of pre-revised grade of 6500-10500, clerical cadre, ICDS Supervisors, Forest Department, Assistant Stockman, immediate holding of DPC meetings in various departments viz Social Forestry, irrigation and flood control, PHE, Sheep Husbandry and wildlife, release of 7% DA for State Government employees, Change of designation of helpers as per the cabinet decision No: 57/07 in irrigation, wildlife.