BJP organises programme under Swach Bharat Abhiyan

BJP leaders at a function at Jammu on Thursday.
BJP leaders at a function at Jammu on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 8: A programme was organised in the Jammu East Constituency under Swach Bharat Abhiyan by BJP State OBC Morcha in connection with “Modi Sarkaar Bemisaal Teen Saal’’ in which MLA  Jammu West and State president of BJP, Sat  Sharma was the chief guest. The programme was presided over by Jammu East MLA and party chief whip in Assembly, Rajesh Gupta.
The BJP leaders who attended the function included. Rajni Sethi,  Baldev Singh Billowria,State OBC  Morcha president  Murari Lal Balgotra, Brahamjoyt, Krishan Kapoor, Ashok  Lambarh, Prof. Shyam, Karan Singh, Kuldeep  Kandhari, Girdhari  Lal, Ramesh  Sharma, Pardeep  Sharma, Gulshan  Mahajan, Daleep  Gupta, Vageesh Bharti and Ashwani.
Sat Sharma while speaking on the occasion said that Swach Bharat Abhiyan is changing the face of India and in the days to come our country would stand out as one of the cleanest countries in the world.
Rajni Sethi said that women should participate in the Swach Bharat Abhiyan in increasing numbers and set example in their areas for others to follow. Baldev Singh Billowria said that in the days to come Swach Bharat Abhiyan would be organized in all the areas of Jammu and appealed to the people of Jammu to organise such functions in their areas.
Murari Lal said that Swach Bharat Abhiyan is an awakening of our outerself. He said that our Rishi Munis showed us the way to purify our innerself and Modi Ji showed us the way to purify our outerself.
MLA Jammu East Rajesh Gupta while speaking on the occasion said that cleanliness is next to Godliness and is also part of our spiritual evolvement. He said that a clean environment also leads to the development of a clean mind and good thoughts.