Passion- The eternal love

Vinod Verma
Get a passion for something in life. It drives our purpose. Where does  passion comes from? What is the source of passion? Love, only love, eternal love. Get committed to something, your purpose, your goals. It creates genius, power and magic. Until one is committed there is always hesitancy, the chance to drawback, always ineffectiveness that the moment one commits then providence moves too.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. It has to be real to him to some degree. One has to have affinity. The true source of cheerfulness is passion. The soul that perpetually overflows with rhythm and sympathy will always be cheerful. Life should be inspired by love, sweetened by music and guided by knowledge.
Follow effective actions with quiet reflections. Pick your shades of Golden Intensity. There are artists who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who thanks to their art and intelligence transform a yellow spot into the sun. It doesn’t take great men to do great things, just those who greatly dedicated to doing them. When the night is the darkest that is one passionate candle make the biggest difference. Passion carves out his fortune. It leads on to purpose, purpose forth go in action; action form habits; habits decide character and character fixes our destiny. Passion gets process going. It depends on your ability to instill vision and self- esteem in people. People are power. Build a culture of achievement. Express a vision. Act the part. Believe in yourself. Develop success consciousness. The ABC of passion points out Attitude, Belief and Commitment. You are the ship’s captain. You never see the destination but you have a plan getting there. You move the ship moving in the right direction correcting your course many times, until you reach your purpose.
Firmness of passion is one of the most sinews of characters and one of the best instrument of success. Without it genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies. We leave best when some things touches both our heart and mind. The power of talent is most effective when it is also entertaining .We all are drawn towards activities which are both joyous and meaningful. The environment would do it best to make the performance joyous and relevant. It would work by inspiring the observers to set into self- learning mode by falling in love with the subject instead of working in grades for competition. The winds and waves are always on the side of ablest navigators. A refreshed soul can be a true creative soul and a truly creative soul is the productive soul. Not the size of the task but the passion in the task is the measure of man. It is this that just keeps growing the dedication to qualify. Let your hearts be in agreement, minds be in good terms. Passion is better than the expensive bottle of perfume.
Write in your heart that every day is the best day in the year. A life of eternal love is the pinnacle of art and is full of true joy. It remains an enduring monument of human energy, thoughts and acts survive and leave an indelible impression. We ascend to the heights of contemplation by the active steps of workable talents. The passion is not the man who does extraordinary things but the man who does ordinary thing extraordinary well. If a man has ability he is sure to rise no matter what his birth or previous avocation may have been. The exposure of talent be in the action itself .Everyday is a fresh opportunity on the part of human ego to perform more & more. Whatever come your way and needs    “Talent performance”   must be considered a classical elegance. It is inherent urge of passion towards Progression. We must have faith in ourselves and hope in the triumph of a righteous cause.
Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate
Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to Labour and to wait.
He finds countless instinctive temptations roused to struggle and frequently to foil his noble efforts. He will be motivated by the depth of his conviction and enthusiasm, not by the force of logic. Be willing to stretch yourself, setting stepping stones to your next goal is just out of reach but not out of sight. And that way will be able to reach the really lofty images.
Passion make more vibrant in terms of success. It depends on run length of passionate consistency. The rhythm of beats cultivate the aspects of eternal love- Dignity consist not in possessing , but in the consciousness that we deserve them
“Duniya mein usne badi baat kar li,
Khud apney se jisney mulakat kar li……..”