Frame SCT to probe into excesses committed against Pandits: PK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 10: Panun Kashmir (PK) today expressed its deep concern over the situation that the issues pertaining to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandit community in Kashmir remained unanswered till date.
Panun Kashmir president, Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo while expressing his anguish over the issue told reporters during a press conference at Ahmedabad in Gujarat that despite the decision of the National Human Rights Commission, (NHRC) after a prolonged struggle of eight years, the acts akin to genocide have been committed against the Kashmiri Pandits and all successive governments chose to keep silent .
Chrungoo who is on the tour of Gujarat said while most of the nations of the globe constituted crime tribunals and special courts to try those responsible for terror and genocidal crimes, the governments in India took a soft state approach and allowed derailment of the due process of law.
The press conference was organised to address the current political scenario vis a vis Kashmir and Kashmiri Pandits. Among others who were present in the press conference included S. K. Bhan, President and Sunil Kachru, general secretary, Koushur Miltchar respectively and Vivek Ogra, Gujarat Coordinator of Panun Kashmir.
Chrungoo said in this context, Panun Kashmir has made  a  demand  that  a  full-fledged Special Crimes Tribunal (SCT) in Jammu and Kashmir be constituted to go into the excesses committed against the Kashmiri Pandit community during the last three decades. The NHRC decision and the observations made by the courts and the other accredited human rights bodies in context of the Pandit mass exodus in Kashmir should form the basis of the judicial review of the crimes committed against the humanity. All hate crimes, acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing should also be duly brought before the Special Crimes Tribunal. P K be made a party to the official complaint to the Tribunal and a senior Supreme Court judge be appointed the Chairman of the Tribunal. All those responsible for the heinous crimes against the Pandits and other minority community members be brought to justice under the purview of the Special Crimes Tribunal sooner than later in order to ensure that the ethnically cleansed community of the Pandits is provided justice.
He said P K condemned the gruesome murder of Samir Bhat, a member of the Kashmiri Pandit community serving in the Police Department in Kashmir by his own colleagues. This is a horrifying tale of Kashmir situation. Though his killer and the other conspirators have been arrested by the Police, Panun Kashmir demands that the culprits be brought to justice and no leniency in this regard be made. The Chief Minister who is also the Home Minister of the State and the police administration are accountable to the displaced community so far as the due process of law is concerned.