Salem moves ECHR seeking to call him back to Portugal

MUMBAI: Gangster Abu Salem, convicted for his role in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case, has moved a European Union court in a bid to have himself sent back to Portugal from where he was extradited to India to face the trial.

            Salem moved the European Union court months before his conviction in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case early this week.

            “We have moved the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), a court under European Union seeking his recall to Portugal as there were many violations to his extradition order,” his lawyer Sabha Qureshi said.

            Salem contended that after the Portugal court terminated the 2014 order for his extradition, his entire trial in India has become illegal.

            Qureshi said it was stipulated in his extradition order that he would not be given death sentence but he was tried for charges which attracted capital punishment. (AGENCIES)