Online system to process corruption cases against Govt employees

NEW DELHI, June 22:
To cut delay, an online system to process corruption cases against Government employees was launched here today.
Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said the new system will expedite the proceedings against such employees.
The online system for monitoring of disciplinary proceedings will make the whole system transparent and cut delay, he said.
It will also reduce possibility of judicial intervention in cases of disciplinary proceedings in later stage, the minister said.
“While we proceed to punish corrupt expeditiously, the government is ensuring that those doing their job honestly do not suffer or face any harassment,” he said after launching the system.
According to Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), 3,500 government officers working in various departments are being probed for their alleged involvement in corruption.
A CVC study had also pointed out that government departments take about three years on average to complete disciplinary proceedings against government employees.
Singh said bureaucrats are essential tool for good governance and that they should not feel intimidated.
“This government cares for its officers,” he said.
His assertion assumes significance as some bureaucrats have cited fear of three ‘Cs’— CVC, CBI and CAG — coming in their way to take decisions this leading to policy paralysis in governance.
Bhaskar Khulbe, Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), emphasised on providing training to investigating officers looking into the disciplinary proceedings against the employees.
The online system launched today had in-built mechanism to send reminders to officer concerned if he is found to be taking unjustified time in processing disciplinary proceedings. (PTI)