Appeasement with a design

Shiban  Khaibri
We know that secularism in India means equal treatment of all religions and faiths by the state. In other words, it means the relevance and high importance of being tolerant and accommodative with respect to the social, cultural and political relations between different groups of the Indian society. These aspects worth being proud about, lay deep embedded in the psyche of the people of this country for thousands of years. It is this legacy of our ancient civilization that India chose, rather Indian leaders were allowed to choose, a secular shape and content of our country, nation, governance, administration of justice and all other concerned matters even after partition of the country in 1947 on religious and communal lines strongly articulated by Muslim League. The majority community would have not found any humps of any nature whatsoever, for having opted the other way taking a cue from the Muslim League but they did not do it as traditionally this country has been believing in and practicing “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” or the entire world is just one family. Again traditionally, ancient Indian thought is that, the belief that one person is related to me and that one is not, is a brazen narrow-mindedness. For the broad minded, the whole world is one family. This highest degree of ancient Indian philosophy is that if the entire human race starts searching its roots, they may end up pointing to one grand civilization. Call that Indus valley civilization or whatsoever; we may end up pointing to one civilization on this earth. That is the reason, this country has never invaded other countries even when there were mightiest kingdoms, resources, money, skills and prowess in abundance in this country and , therefore,  never subjugated others and persecuted them to change their faith. You call it now in fashionable or in Western parlance “Secularism” or the governing system for all on equal footing without any favour or without any discrimination. Interestingly, the term secularism means impartiality or non interference in matters of religion, faiths and beliefs by the Government. This concept of secularism as also democracy, the two great and remarkable achievements have stood the test of time after India got independence.   To make it more assuring, there was an amendment to our constitution known as 42nd amendment in 1976 by virtue of which the preamble of the constitution asserted that India is a secular nation.
Against this backdrop, how can anyone visualize that a Muslim is appointed as the head of the Management Board of an 18th century famous Tarkeshwari  Shiv temple in Kolkata. If it is not that clumsy divide and rule policy of the Mamta Banerjee Government, what else can it be termed as? Making things worse, the one who is chosen to head the temple board is  a tainted Minister in Mamta Banerjee Government having been involved in a corruption case as revealed in Narda sting operations. He is Firhad  Hakim, the Urban Development Minister.  He has another grave charge against him that of reportedly being a Pakistani apologist   having “introduced” his assembly constituency as “Mini Pakistan” of Kolkata. Not only has Mamta Banerjee taken the grave risk of disregarding the sentiments of Hindus but by starting a fresh row , first of its kind , she has impliedly struck a blow to the intrinsic content and apparent shape of secularism. Does it mean that she does not care for Hindu sentiments and 27% of the population, the major chunk of her vote bank is all that matters to her? What was the requirement and the urgent need of taking such an extremely pervasive decision by Mamta Banerjee, the likes of which even the Communist Government for three decades, did not think feasible to embark upon in West Bengal.
What message she wants to convey by rescinding a seminar on the “Atrocities on Baluchistan” in Kolkata? Is she in full agreement with and in support of the reign of persecution   let loose by Pakistani establishment on innocent Baluchis , most  of them wanting to be free from the clutches of the terror monger Pakistan,  and many earnestly wishing  merging fully in the free, democratic, secular  and liberal India? Why should she not allow entry in West Bengal to the famous writer of Indian origin, Salman Rushdie? Why should she proscribe TV shows of the noted Bangla writer, physician and intellectual Taslima Nasreen in West Bengal?  Why should Mamta pay from the public treasury, monthly stipends to Imams and Mouzins of mosques at the rate of Rs. 2500 and Rs. 1500 respectively and not to the Hindu priests? The Calcutta High court had to set aside that discriminatory order issued by her government. While at the drop of a hat, she takes refuge under freedom, democracy, federal autonomy, and plays victimhood in response to slight changes in the system initiated by the centre, she in practice proves otherwise and cannot take lightly and in sportsman spirit, even a healthy caricature, a cartoon or a satire on her style of functioning which otherwise is allowed under the freedom of expression enshrined in the constitution of India. Similarly she has no guts to imprison and subject to justice, the Maulvi of Tipu Sultan mosque  Moulvi Barkati , a Pakistani apologist who announced a “reward” of Rs. 25 lacs to one who smeared black the face of the Prime Minister of the country. She ordered regulation and rescheduling of the traditional Durga Pooja events as the date of the same ran parallel to that of Muharrum, the affected victims of the discriminatory order got relief from the High court of the state which set aside the order of the state government. Why is there no enthusiasm about the progress in using Hindi , the  Raj Bhasha in Kolkata but at the same time, many districts  including  Murshidabad, Malda and West Dinajpur have Urdu as second language?
We know how much hullabaloo was raised by Mamta  Ji  against demonetization, simultaneously in Dullahgarh, just 18 kms away from Howrah Kolkata,  Post celebration of Eid- E- Milad , thousands of fanatics mostly Salafi  known for bigotry who were in procession, went on lightening rampage , stoned and  destroyed houses of Hindus, looted their shops, inflicted injuries on helpless victims who were taken by surprise   and  forcibly expelled them from their houses . Women were molested. The tragedy of the matter is that when the victims approached the Police, they took no action. Mamta looked the other way.  Why? Is Mamta sworn as the CM of the state to look after only one community?
How does Mamta account for allocating Rs. 2815 crore for the benefit of minority affairs while merely Rs. 2000 crore for developing other more important social engineering , development of IT , SSI and other important sectors. Why does she not dare appoint a Hindu as the chief of some Wakf Board or at least Head of the Tipu Sultan mosque in Kolkata. Wakf laws state that its  members will be only from amongst Muslim MPs, Muslim members of state legislatures, Muslim members of a Bar council in a state, etc , hence leaving no scope for any undesirable change the way  Mamta did in 300 year old Tarkeshjwar Shiv temple .  Does she have a design behind such cheap appeasement perhaps thinking that all  was going to better the lot of the Muslims living in West Bengal. No, she knows it well that such moves were fortifying her traditional vote Bank only.
Such a proposal is tantamount to creating wedges and cracks in the society in the name of what she calls , “spirit of Bengal” which appears to be an excuse if not a ruse. Minorities have to be extended all benefits as enshrined in the constitution of the country but such measures which prove as an affront to the majority 82% of the Indian population  are  not only unjustified and  unconstitutional  but   they are unacceptable and unwarranted. Gone are the days when Muslims would be lured by such gimmicks. Let Mamta not test the patience of the segment of  73% of the  population of the state. Let Hindus very sadly keep no more watching any more of ignoring them by almost all opposition parties going in for out of box appeasement policy just for garnering votes in elections.