Floricultural scenario

Dr. Manoj Nazir
Flowers have played an important role in the life right from birth to death. Congratulation, celeberations and condolences have been expressed with flowers. Floriculture includes all practices associated with production of flowers and ornamental plants, as well as management of gardens and landscapes. Floricultural products are available in the market both as fresh and processed form. Fresh products comprises of fresh flowers (cut flowers, foliage plants and loose flowers) and potted ornamental plants and processed products include the dried plant parts which now is a large employment sector. Floriculture being an important agribusiness sector contributes widely to the Indian through opportunities in terms of employment, income generation earning foreign exchange and empowerment, thus raising the socio – economic status in both rural and urban areas. Till a few years back floriculture remained a part of agriculture activity of the growers who sold their produce for early and continuous flow of cash. However, presently with collaborative effort of the government, scientists and entrepreneurs, technological development and dissemination and proper exploitation of the countries varied agro climatic situation, floriculture has transformed into a high value commercial enterprise. Floriculture trade and technology has certain bottleneck areas posed due to the modern world which can be effectively and efficiently met through combined approaches such as crop improvement and production, transfer of technology, improved post harvest management and finally marketing strategies
The floral industry has an immense potential for employment generation and earning a foreign exchange. The present day floral industry is a dynamic, fast growing industry, which has achieved significant growth rate during the past few decades and has extended worldwide with the major paradigm shift of production centers from developed to developing nations. India is also paving its way to emerge as an important production base for floriculture products. Jammu is emerging as a significant player of this blooming industry in the nation.
Floral craft either in form of fresh or dry flower products is an exclusive technique of value addition to the flowers accounting to the tune of 25% to 100 %.although, the Indian consumer base and national flower market is growing at 7-10%. Our flowers are subject to price fluctuation and market gluts that accounts for huge postharvest flower losses (30%) as well as price fall upto 80%. It is the science and art of floral craft that can rescue us from these heavy losses and improve the economic status of the growers. Dry flower exports constitute 60-70% of total floriculture exports. There is need of popularizing the use of flowers through this exclusive technique of flower craft that includes fresh flower arrangements, table decoration, loose flower designs, bouquets, corsage, wreaths, dry floral articles, and potpourri’s etc. thus, looking at the potential of developing floral craft as an industry, there is need of organizing a national workshop on floral craft: art and technique for value addition in flowers’ in JAMMU (J and
k) This workshop will provide a common platform for floriculturists, entrepreneurs, florists, exporters, policy planners besides the progressive farmers and students in discussing and sharing their experience and views. An exclusive exhibition on floral craft during the workshop should be held. A competition based on flower arrangement styles and themes should be planned to be organized. Currently the global dry flowers market is estimated at Rs. 40000 million annually and is fast growing at the rate of 25-30% per annum. India accounts for less than 5% of this market. It is estimated that more than two lakh people are involved directly or in directly in the trade in India.