Oil Tanker Unions demand change of halt point from Jakheni to Kud

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 9: All Jammu and Kashmir Oil Tanker Drivers and Cleaners Union and J&K LPG Tank Truck Drivers Union today reiterated their demand of changing the halt point of petroleum vehicles from Jakheni (Udhampur) to Kud.
They warned the Government that if the halt point of petroleum vehicles is not moved from Udhampur Jakheni to Kud, then they would be forced to close all the oil depots in support of their demand.
Making fresh appeal, they urged the State Government, Divisional Commissioner Jammu, IGP Traffic and Deputy Commissioner Udhampur to seriously consider their demand of halting the tankers carrying inflammable substance like diesel, petrol and LPG at Kud instead of Udhampur near Jakheni Park.
The members of the unions informed that Divisional Commissioner Jammu and IGP Traffic were already informed about the problems faced by the drivers when the up going traffic (from Jammu to Kashmir) of oil tankers and LPG carrying vehicles are stopped at Jakheni , Udhampur due to one way traffic on alternative days or in case of bad weather.
They said the Jakehni road is already so narrow that it creates difficulty in smooth flow of vehicular movement and it is also risky to keep these highly inflammable substance carrying vehicles in populated area like Jakheni.
The leaders of the two unions said as inflammable substance carrying vehicles are not allowed to pass through Chennani-Nashri Tunnel so what’s the fun of stranding these vehicles at Udhampur where there is no arrangement of even basic necessities like toilet, food, etc for the drivers and cleaners.
“We once again request the Government representatives and civil administration to consider our genuine demand of making halt point of these vehicles to some other place from Chennani to Nashri road instead of Udhampur Jakheni road or get ready to face the protests”, they added.