Massacre of the pilgrims

Pilgrims anywhere in the world are the messengers of peace. They undertake pilgrimages to seek inner peace for themselves and for the world at large.  Shame on Theo-fascists, shame on followers of a false faith and shame on mercenaries who undertake killing of innocent seekers of God’s goodwill to satisfy the inhuman instincts.
Theo-fascist attacked Amarnath pilgrims somewhere near Khannabal in Anantnag district in which seven pilgrims, six of them women, were killed and 32 others wounded. The previous attack of Theo-fascists on Amarnath pilgrims was in 2000 at Pahalgam in which 30 pilgrims were killed. In between, Theo-fascists never ceased issuing warnings to the pilgrims that they can be attacked.
A secular and democratic Government is supposed to protect its citizenry against the attacks of the crusaders of Theo-fascism. Weeks and months before the commencement of the pilgrimage to Amarnath, entire Government machinery in the State and at the Centre was galvanized into action and most meticulous security arrangements were put in place to ensure that pilgrimage passed on without any abnormal and tragic incident. But the tragedy has happened. A number of points need to be elucidated.
Firstly, as the pilgrimage is extremely sensitive, how come that a bus carrying pilgrims remained unregistered with the traffic police and Shrine Board authorities and why was it allowed plying on a vulnerable transit route called National Highway without proper protection.  What does it mean to say that the bus was not part of the caravan proceeding to Jammu after completing the pilgrimage?
There are no buyers of the theory that the security cover is withdrawn after 7 PM on the pilgrim caravan. Does it mean that after 7 PM, the entire stretch of the National Highway passing through Anantnag district is controlled by the terrorists and that no security will be provided to people travelling beyond the specific hours. If that is the case, then there is much truth in believing that the affected districts of South Kashmir are no more under the control of civilian administration. It is no excuse to say that the ill fated bus was punctured and left behind the caravan as the puncture was being repaired by parking the bus on the roadside. Why did not the traffic police come to know about it and why did it not inform security authorities to ensure safety of the stranded bus? These questions straightaway convince us that there was grave security lapse with dire consequences. Those responsible for the lapse should be sacked immediately. They don’t deserve to be on the pay roll of the security chapter of the country. It is now the duty of the police and security authorities to hunt down the culprits and bring them to book.
There was threadbare input from the Home Ministry about the likelihood of attack on the pilgrims. Why were these instructions and input taken lightly?
We know that three districts of South Kashmir are infested with militancy. For the past many months that they have been striking at will and causing damage to innocent people. This menace has to be uprooted at all costs. Those who swarm in crowds and throw stones on security forces to obstructing anti-terrorist operations are the worst enemies of the people and their Government; they are seditionists.  They are testing the patience of the civilian Government. These are seditious acts and need to be dealt with under the relevant sections of laws.
In the history of nations, a time comes when the State must exercise its might. Attack on religious pilgrims is the most dangerous thing for our country — a mosaic of religions and cultures — because it endangers peaceful coexistence among people of different denominations.
The entire nation has condemned the terrorist attack on innocent pilgrims and we hope those behind the heinous crime shall be brought to justice.