Abdul Haq inaugurates roads at Machil, Dudi

 KUPWARA:  Minister for Rural Development, Panchayat Raj, Law and Justice, Abdul Haq, Saturday reiterated Government’s commitment to provide improved basic facilities to people of all regions of the State, especially to those living in far-off places.

          The Minister said this today during an inauguration ceremony of two road projects at Machil and Dudi in frontier Kupwara district. He also conducted an interaction programme-cum-Awami Durbar at Machil to listen to the issues and problems being faced by the people there, besides to review the ongoing developmental works and implementation of different schemes.

          During the durbar, Abdul Haq directed the district administration to resolve the issues pertaining to drinking water, power supply, transportation, food grains, health care, infrastructure, and other basic needs besides stressed them to ensure successful implementation of Centrally and State welfare and developmental schemes.

          Among other issues, construction of small link culverts to connect the inhabitants of various villages of the Machil block, functioning of CHC and other PHCs, development of play grounds, protection bunds at various Nallas and streams, providing of Bee Keeping colonies to farming community and construction of community Facility Centre at Dudi were also put forth by various deputations.

          The District Development Commissioner Khalid Jahangir, SSP Kupwara Shamsheer Husain and other senior officials of the district administration were also present on the occasion.   

          The Minister also took a detailed review of overall developmental and security scenario of the Machil tehsil and its adjoining areas. He directed the officials to be prompt in resolving issues of public concern and stressed on coordination among various Government Departments for effective implementation of various developmental projects.

 It was given out that Rs 22 crore is being utilized on the Machil Model Village Project to develop it on modern lines under Border Areas Development Programme (BADP) guidelines of the Union Government.

 The Minister impressed upon the concerned agencies to create durable assets so that people are facilitated and can avail the benefits of various welfare schemes.