JKNPP stages protest over price hike of sugar

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 22: J&K National Panthers Party (JKNPP) today staged a protest in front of the office of Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department at Trikuta Nagar, over price hike of sugar and other ration commodities.
Led by Neeraj Gupta, zonal president, JKNPP, the activists of the party assembled outside FCS&CA office, Trikuta Nagar and raised slogans against the department and concerned minister.
While speaking on the occasion, Neeraj Gupta said that from the last more than two years people are not getting smooth supply of ration and now price hike of the sugar/ration has added more bitterness in their food.
Gupta said that APL Ration card holders are not getting continuous supply of sugar/ration and BPL Ration card holders are getting sugar at the rate of Rs 25 per Kg. “The big assurance made by the Government that the prices will be controlled after GST, proves to be fake and false”, he said, adding, when Ration Depots are not in reach of common man then what will be the situation on provisional stores.
He said that present BJP-PDP Government is trying to eliminate the poor people from the society. Gupta demanded the Government to immediately reduce the price of sugar and other ration commodities and ensure smooth supply of ration in Depots. He demanded that the rations should be supplied at old prices.