Dr Karan Singh disapproves installing military tank at JNU

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 25: Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Dr Karan Singh has suggested that instead of installing a military tank at Jawaharlal Nehru University, some other symbol that covers all the three Services, should be chosen to acknowledge the bravery and sacrifices of Indian armed force.
“For this,  an imaginatively designed  monument  `The Unknown Soldier’ would be far preferable,” he said  in a statement issued, here today in context of a report that the Vice-Chancellor of JNU has requested for an Army tank to be installed on the campus for instilling patriotism among students there.
Maintaining that he has close personal relations with Indian armed force and he himself is an Honorary Major General in the Indian Army, Dr Singh opined that installing a tank would be incongruous and inappropriate.
Suggesting JNU to set up a small committee and call for designs from leading sculptors in India, he said that the best one could then be chosen and installed at a suitable location within the campus.
In his statement, Dr Karan Singh also recalled that soon after being appointed as Chancellor of JNU in 2002, he had visited the university campus and was impressed with the way it had been developed. “However, on noticing that there was not a single statue in memory of the man after whom the university was named, I initiated the project of installing a really good statue of Pandit Ji,” he recalled and added that the then Vice-Chancellor readily accepted the suggestion and they proceeded to install a large and impressive statue by the famous sculptor Bipon Dass, which has become the university’s landmark.