Police seeks custody of fake Capt’s girl friend, Mess boys

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 29: It was not only 16 Corps Nagrota, Yol Cantonment and Military Hospital, Satwari, which were frequently visited by fake Army Captain Umesh Kumar son of Mani Ram of Churu, Rajasthan but his ongoing questioning by the police has revealed that he had stayed at several other military installations even outside the State on the basis of fake identity card and uniform.
The fake Army Captain had also visited a tunnel dug by Pakistan authorities inside the Indian territory at forward village of Chechwal in Samba sector when it was detected by a farmer and the civilians in first week of August along with his girl friend, Yamini, a Nurse in 166 Military Hospital, Satwari and a resident of Ajmer, Rajasthan.
Police sources said the fake Captain has admitted that he had stayed for three days at Sainik Board in Bikaner, Rajasthan on the basis of fake identity card and uniform of the Army and met Yamini’s father, an ex-serviceman from Indian Air Force (IAF) there.
In view of disclosures made by Umesh Kumar, police today wrote to the Army authorities seeking custody of Yamini for questioning.
Sources said the questioning of Yamini has become necessary to ascertain as to whether Umesh Kumar had impersonated as Army Captain only for the sake of love or had been spying for Pakistan.
Umesh was M Tech Engineer and had been arrested by police from Hotel Rajdhani at Jewel Chowk during routine frisking of the Hotel as he was wearing Army uniform.
The fake Captain had met Yamini’s father at Sainik Board, Bikaner to ensure that the ex-serviceman was not doubted about his credentials. He had stayed in the Board for three days.
Police have also sought custody of Mess boys of 166 Military Hospital, Satwari following confession by the impersonator that he had frequently been visiting the Mess, taking lunch or dinner there and inter-acting with the boys.
Police maintained that questioning of Yamini, whom the fake Army Captain has described as his girl friend and Mess boys could prove useful in ascertaining the sources with whose held he had managed to get fake identity cards and uniform of Army. Umesh has already admitted that he had visited 16 Corps Nagrota and Yol Cantonment besides Military Hospital, Satwari.
According to police, the fake Captain had also visited the sight of tunnel detected by the BSF on the International Border of Chechwal in Samba sector. He had also taken Yamini to the spot in an Indica car posing himself as Army Captain. He had inspected the tunnel and returned after about an hour.
Meanwhile, a court has given six days remand of Umesh Kumar to Nowabad police for further interrogation.