Vinod Verma
Smile is a curve which makes everything straight. Make your home valley of smiles instead a Valley of tears. Smile now! Never mind how hard it has been for you to do so. If you will smile now- You will smile always . However , a mechanical smile will not do so. It should be a reflection of inner soul, state of ever now joy. The most delicate , the most sensible of all pleasure consists in promoting the pleasure of others by expressions, by smiles . There is a mile strength in word Smiles.
Some People smile most of the times , while beneath the mask of laughter they hide sorrow- corroded hearts. Such persons slowly pine always behind a screen of meaningless smiles. But there are others who smile genuinely once in a while, yet are very serious at other times, behind their austere appearances are secret fountains of laugh places. A man sliding down the path of evil tendencies finds no resistance, but as soon as he tries to oppose his wrong habits by following self- discipline and smiling potential he finds countless instinctive temptations roused to fight and frequently to foil his noble efforts. Pour happiness through your voice, through your smiles. Why scatter unhappiness around you by being grouchy? Strong & bitter words indicate a weak cause. Credit lies in restraining one’s anger against one’s own kith & kin . In the case of strangers, one is compelled to keep one’s temper under control. What merit can there be in that? It’s not always what you say that makes the difference. Sometimes it’s the way you say it, express it, you must give as well as receive. Keep Smiling, keep cool and command everybody. It puts you in creative control with a mature and proven concepts that literally knows no limits. Just do the things, it works.
If you challenge to be good from inside, behave accordingly from outside as well. The art of smile leads every situation in your favour, only then one can drive even the odd situation under his command. You might be good enough but this is not sufficient. One has to speak good , think good , express good ,act good , behave good, smile naturally good , to become better from others, different from the rest, undoubtedly amongst the best. It’s nice to be important, but it is too important to be nice. So keep smiling : Be more important & also nice.
Smile sails through the harbour of peace responsible enough to render the services of safety to all the individuals around. The real essence of the sensible relations is hiding somewhere behind the over governed egos & self implicated complications. We must overcome from within. If wrong expression is worth resisting in action, it is worth resisting in thoughts also. Desist in thoughts & deeds. We have to begin to enjoy working for a healthy mutual relationships . You love your children, your husband, your wife with understanding & compassion. Keep smiling; It increases your face value. It strengthens the ties between human hearts & frees from bonds of selfish attachment which tend to confine & smoother love. Nothing suffocate love like possesiveness. It is not only great souls that know how much glory there is in being cheerful. Keep smiling because your smile has potential to keep all miseries away. The art lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things. It spreads happiness. It earns the recognition. Expression are so vibrant, that they add magic to the information domain. The best pattern of goodman’s life- His little, nameless, smiled acts of kindness & of love.
Smile is one of the best therapy in the world. People are drawn to your enthusiasm . The variety is a major piece of managing puzzles. The ability to get people to give more of themselves than they must is a powerful one . It cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.