DyCM unveils memorial of Kargil war hero at Billawar village

Urges youth to imbibe values of patriotism

KATHUA: The People of Village Dewal of Tehsil Billawar today remembered the local Kargil war hero by unveiling his memorial here in the village.

Martyr Mohinder Singh Andotra, Rifleman, 3 Rashtrya Rifle had laid down his life during Kargil War (OP Vijay).

Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh unveiled the Bust of the war hero who attained martyrdom on August 4, 1999 at the age of 27 years while confronting the enemy on a forward area of  Kargil .

His father Man Singh, himself an army veteran, had motivated his son to join Army.

The family members also narrated the life history of the martyr and his passion for army and serving the nation.

A large number of local people and from adjoining areas including friends, relatives, teachers, ex-servicemen of the area paid homage to the martyr. The atmosphere was charged with emotions as every eye was wet while remembering the hero of their area.

Speaking on the occasion, Dy.CM said that a long cherished wish of the parents of late RFN Mohinder Singh was fulfilled with unveiling of his memorial in the village.  He said the memorial will remain as a source of inspiration for all coming generations.

Paying rich tributes to the brave heart, the Dy CM said that after God, it is martyrs who are revered most in our society.

Dr Nirmal Singh asked civil society to tell children about the sacrifices of such heroes so that valiant soldiers who died in the line of duty are remembered forever. “They have sacrificed their lives for our better tomorrow,” the Dy CM said and urged the youth to follow these soldiers as role models.

While remembering the supreme sacrifice of the martyrs, DyCM said that nation is indebted to them as they died while protecting our motherland.

He further stressed on the need to motivate the youth to join armed forces and serve the nation.

Among others present were SDM Billawar, SDPO Basohli, Tehsildars, Engineers from different departments, Sub Divisional level officers, prominent citizens and political leader Mamta Singh.