Michelle, Ann campaign hard for their spouses

WASHINGTON, Nov 2: First Lady Michelle Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney’s wife Ann are battling it out in key US states before the November 6 presidential elections, making a strong case for their spouses.
Both Michelle and Ann have been making compassionate appeals to Americans in a series of public meetings they have been addressing and arguing that the policies of their husbands were the best ones to lead and take the country forward.
“I have to tell you that’s really what made me fall in love with my husband. It’s his character. It’s his compassion, his conviction, his commitment to helping others. And that has been the man I have known all of our time together,” Michelle said at Dayton Beach in Florida.
“We believe in keeping our priorities straight. We all know good and well that cutting Sesame Street is no way to balance our budget. We know better than that.
“Instead, we need to cut wasteful spending, yes—but we have to make smart investments in things like education and infrastructure for an economy built to last. That is what my husband stands for. That’s the country he’s been working to build for four years,” said the First Lady amidst applause from the audience.
While the First Lady was campaigning in Florida, Ann Romney was busy campaigning in Ohio – the key battleground State, which her husband desperately needs to win.
No Republican candidate has ever won a presidential election without winning Ohio.
“One thing I know about Mitt, he does not fail and he will not fail as a president. I have seen him in every situation and I’ve known him since we were high school sweethearts. This is an amazing guy,” Ann Romney said.
“He has so much integrity and so much character. I have seen him as a husband, as a father, as a governor, as a business, as a guy that turned around the Olympics,” she said praising her husband and presenting a strong case for Romney.
“With clear eyes and a full heart, we’ll tell America that this is our choice. This is the path forward with the person that is going to bring real change. That is going to bring the change that is desperately needed in Washington.
“That change in that office is going to be held by the next president whose name will be Mitt Romney,” Ann told the audience in Ohio. (PTI)