Babas and the Political Patronage

Colonel Shiv Choudhary (Retd)

Literally and spiritually, a Baba is saintly and godly figure, who is perceived to have denounced all worldly pleasure, desires, greed, abhorrence, anger, materialistic attributes, sex etc. He is a symbol of total denunciation (tyaagkemurti). Astonishingly, the self-styled Godman and DeraSachaSauda chief, Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim (Hereafter referred as Baba) is better known for qualities contrary to real saints. Some of his popular personal attributes include love for motorcycles, swanky cars, shiny clothes, albums, films, MSG, publicity, wealth and sex. He exercised influence across all cults and dabbled in politics extending support to one or the other political party and individuals during elections. Indeed, he had very interesting tastes and styles to emulate and yet flourish with pretended “purity” of Guru. He is a Rock Star Baba in every sense of the word.
I wonder how these Babas have been taking people for a ride including well-educated professionals, national icons, political biggies and even respected religious gurus. He imitated Sikh Guru Gobind Singh ji to the annoyance and provocation of Sikh sangat and created conditions for riots. Did Baba with his powerful connections ever dream of his conviction for few of sins by an upright and daring CBI Judge? But August 25, 2017 proved a Black Friday for unassailable serial rapist Baba and his rogue  ‘premis’ for whom there was no law.
Sensing serious predicament, the Baba, after being accused of raping two of ‘Sadhvis’ disciples in 2002, got involved in host of  social initiatives to ‘help people’ primarily  to create an image of a ‘messiah’. These activities included organising public interaction, blood donation camps, tree plantation, mass marriages, assistance to transgender/homosexuals, opening of educational and vocational institutions, sports activities, health care etc. That enabled him to spread his influence over the people and his disciples besides connecting with politicians. He also showed immense interest in film making, acting, stunts, direction, production of his own films and albums. Thus he spread his clout to over 250 branches in and outside India. Emulating Baba Ramdev, a BJP favourite, this Baba too launched about 150 food products. One can sense his clout from the fact that he enjoyed ‘Z’ plus security cover.
On August 25, 2017, millions of Indian waited with baited breadth for the long awaited judgment on Baba’s crimes. Baba was convicted for rape after 200 sittings, spanning over 15 years. It was a moment to celebrate the judicial decision. Instead, the hell broke loose immediately after the court verdict. It was only a conviction, not sentence. The sentence too came heavily on Monday with 10 years rigorous imprisonment for each of the rape. India felt disappointed, insulted, ashamed, embarrassed, mocked and very hurt over the rioting by unruly goons and followers of convicted rapist Baba. Incidentally, these followers were camping openly in Panchkula under the full glare of administration. They went on the rampage on hearing verdict against their Baba. The day’s toll was 35 dead and over 250 injured. The day was marked by closure of educational institutions, internet service, red alert infivestates and near 200 trains cancelled. Entire north India was tense for none its fault.
How could this mayhem happen before the eyes of a state govt, bureaucracy, multiple layers of police, intelligence agencies and spate of videos and speeches threatening all, going viral in advance? Indeed shocking, in spite of the repeated prior admonishments by the court of brewing trouble over decision going either way? Media cried hoarse, everyone anticipated except the administration. This is the question; all sane people are seekingan answer to. In reality,ithappened to pay back to the conman who like few other parties and Babas, has supported BJP and the present CM of Haryana during last election. Politicians don’t wish to miss such opportunities to square up irrespective of the cost. Police said stopping the people from enteringPanchkula could have led to a pre-verdict confrontation and created an ugly situation. In reality, it looked as if police had focussed only on Baba’s security, his entourage of odd 150 cars coming from curfew boundSirsaand court premises and the administration cared only for Baba’s comfort. The police looked clueless, unprepared, reactive anddevoid of leadership when needed most. Indeed noplan B or C looked within sight. Sadly this unpreparedness resulted into shooting people over own failure and the last weapon became the first one. The law enforcing agencies failed to appreciate that followers of conmen can go violent. We have a sad history of such incidents too.
Someone needs to accept responsibility of such an enormous failure at least for corrective course and posterity. Axe cannot fall on the junior functionaries of the police and letting everyone get away as has been the usual practice. The political prudence says the credit or discredit for any action or inaction, should squarely lay with the Chief Executive of the state iethe CM, Mr ML Khattar. He, in fact is twice bitten but not thirdtime shy. He failed against godman Rampal and then the Jat agitation, leading to loss of 36 precious lives. He looked to have failed in stamping his authority over the police command and control structure and bureaucracy since taking over. He has looked an inept leader with meek political surrender for signatures on EVMs. It is in this context, the Hon’ble High Court has sought a deeper probe into the shoddy security arrangements and blaming the CM for his Dera pleasing comments. It is also most befitting of our judiciary,which said that that losses occurred so, be made up out of Baba’sdera assets.
It is common for all political parties to behave in an identical manner when it comes to wooing the voters, protecting its protégés, blaming opponents and shirking responsibilities. BJP MP, Sakshi Maharaj has already declared Baba as an innocent God and victim of a conspiracy. BJP top leadership must realize that not long ago, its another very educated MP, Mr Subramanian Swamy was clamouring for AFSPA in Kerala over death of two party workers. Will BJP ask itself now for the President’s rule in Haryana witnessing 35 death and colossal losses? BJP needs to introspect over issues being raised by some Haryana MLAs ever since Mr Khattar took over.
Mr ML Khattar, was made the CM based on his loyalty to the RSS cadre and Mr Modi. On the hindsight, this decision must be haunting. To run a state, one needs an effective leader, not a loyal worker. Loyal workers cab be best reserved for  backend party activities. Expectedly, the PM too must be wondering the extent, he, his party and our country, has been dented. PM too like many others, cannot absolve himself off with his known bonhomie with Baba, accused of mass rape since 2002, nowan imprisoned rapist and BJP inseparability from religion. It is time regain. The CM has failed repeatedly, tarnished the image of the vibrant Haryana, BJP, PM’s leadership, his good work and my India, your India across globe. Apparently, the CM simply does not have in him.
Acceptably, the poor and marginalized class find no voice to listen to their disparity. Due to this gap, they seek solace and support from religion and Babas. This disparity becomes the driving force for theBabas. This  provides space to the ever-pryingbabas for exploitation and economic opportunities. Political class puts all these fake Godmen into high pedestal and strength, who enjoy the patronage of the powerful, go unchecked in return for votes and create a state within a state. Thus, these Deras continue their political swinging in synchronization with the party in power.
We as Indian don’t march in support of  martyrs, journalists, change makers, victims of rail accident,floods, earthquakes, border firing, kids dying due to negligence, govt apathy and rape victims.  Instead, we go all out to support a self-proclaimed saint declared rapist.I cannot fathom the agony and mental trauma of the two courageous victims, who have kept the Baba and his deras at edge for 15 years and yet found themselves alone on seeing millions supporting a rapist.
Now that the Baba has earned an imprisoned for ten years each, it is wake up call for each conman. This is time for people to look within, than looking around to serve cause of such Babas. It is yet time to get free photo frames of such babas. Justice will catch them, irrespective of their religious and political influence, feigning, dramatizing and bending before the judiciary. Good deeds beget mercy, stabbing the faith doesnot. Will the political leaders take a call on such babas?. Only the time will tell. Govt must take a quick look at the training and leadership of police and the CAPFs and implement police reforms to avoid frequent calling of army in aid of civil authority. Accountability of the bureaucracy needs no emphasis along with stock taking of the flourishing wealth of godmen and temples to check Rock star Babas turning into Super stars babas.