Vice President lays foundation for the nation’s first green field smart city project in HEC

RANCHI:  Country’s Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu today laid the foundation for  building the nation’s first Greenfield smart city project in HEC of Ranchi here.

Speaking on the occasion, he said this foundation is the base for building a grand India and the city in Ranchi would be very attractive and said for the bright future, smart cities are a must where people get all the amenities of life including houses, roads, public transport, cleanliness alongwith medical and educational and employment facilities.

He said the city which would come up in HEC would be a no carbon zone.     He said, the Government was now moving ahead to provide 24 hours water and power to the people however the Government alone can not do all the work and the people to needed to cooperate in the development process.

He said, people should pay their taxes and pointed that people want smart cities but they do not want to pay the taxes.

The Vice President called on the people to make their contribution for the cause of the nation and said that the businessman and industrialists should think over the taxes and said when people utilise the resources of the nation than they should at least pay some money towards that.

He said, with the help of the people only the dream of smart city would be realised.

Mr Naidu said that a smart city needed a smart leader and those who are full of commitment and calibre can only make smart cities.

He said, for being a leader it is not necessary that a person should be an MP or an MLA, Mayor or councillor and said every person was a leader in himself. (AGENCIES)