Cities at the verge of collapse

Ram Rattan Sharma
After many years of Independence ,with launching and implementing many five years plans, the cities of  modern India, are on the verge of collapse. The city epitomes an area where inhabitants, whether rich  or poor are bound to face the scourges of exploding population air pollution ,contaminated water sources ,bumps of solid wastes, intolerable noise pollution, inadequate transport system, shortage of water, break down of electricity, defective sanitary, drainage and sewage system, increasing crime against fair sex and unsafe senior citizens, with criminally indifferent attitude of Government officials to every kind of problem. One more peculiar thing about cities is the scant regard for keeping the cities clean. The indifferent attitude and deliberate neglect by the civic authorities have caused the cities a dump of  solid  and other wastes choking and over flowing sewage and drains, resulted in mud,water storage  and dirt everywhere, giving rise to epidemics like malaria, typhoid, dengue every alternate year.
Various reasons are responsible for the sordid state of cities, ill management of  resources, unplanned growth of colonies, lack of prudency in planning, not considering the problems of pollution, education, slums, cleanliness are to a great extent responsible to make the cities a nightmare. We see temple, mosque  or shrine at every nook and corner, even in the middle of a road ,while the basic amenities like  water tab or electric pillar are not  made available, Resources are not  properly managed, corruption in institutions  is responsible for not  providing basic amenities. Public funds are being mis-utilized for aggrandizement  of personal or political benefits .Any positive  developmental action  for replacing and removing the slums or removing the illegal encroachments’ immediately becomes a political issue and  is vehemently  opposed and sabotaged by the politicians.
There are cities having population more than one lac ,proper sanitary ,drainage healthcare seems to be the privilege of an handful of  people ,living in the posh colonies. New Delhi ,the capital of India  a metropolitan is passing through the worst crisis of inadequate  mass transportation and pollution caused by the vehicular traffic. It is noteworthy that the supreme court had to issue  very strict directives to keep the city free from vehicular pollutions .Delhi is growing day by day with more  people streaming in search of their  livelihood .The city is on the verge of bursting with population explosion and authorities are least concerned to make provisions for the eventuality. The plight of Mumbai ,is no better than other metropolitan cities .The hapahazard growth of suburbs with or without the basic  amenities provided by the builders  has rendered the peace and tranquility of the cities to ransom
Frequent power break down, shortage of drinking water,over crowded transportation are some of the problems faced by most of the cities. It is difficult to check slum growth and take steps to improve  the conditions of the urban poor. It is a fact that millions of people from country  side rural areas  migrate to metros and other nearby cities in order  to earn their livelihood. There is no employment opportunity available in rural areas. Cities provide  job opportunities  for all the professionals, the traders, the skilled or unskilled labours and anyone who is ready to work. Slums are the result of migration at no cost. Inspite of all the sufferings and hardships, these poor jobless people would prefer to slog in the city fringes, sleep under flyovers, or on pavements, for want of bread to starving stomach of their  family.  The Government is duty bound to provide basic amenities to these poor .Are these people not contributing  or serving the needs of rich or economically affluent society of the  cities in the form of presswala , rickshaw puller, daily wage , labour, or the others. The complex socio economic growth of cities ,has given rise to small or big crimes like rape, decoity, theft, kidnapping even the murder,  the lack of  impersonal relations, indifferent  attitude of the co passengers, and corrupt police  officials, has made cities the dens of crime. Crime thrives because of the apathy of the citizens and the collusion and irresponsibility on the part of law enforcing machinery.
Are the cities on the verge of collapse? Are we leading towards a dooms day? Can the peculiar problems of cities be tackled? Can the cities be places  for peace and pollution free living? Though lot of clamouring have been  there  to improve the lives in the metros and cities, Yet a little can be done in the immediate future  to halt the process  of urbanization. A national urban policy needs to be formed keeping in view the entire spectrum of urban problems and peculiarities to urban areas, a lot is required to be done   to make  available   the Job  opportunities in    rural areas itself. Developing satellite towns ,with all necessary infrastructure and  proper transporation may prove to be a good measure to check the overcrowdings in the cities. Nothing can be done  without the cooperation of the general  masses to ameliorate the conditions of the cities. Proper planning, strategies with involvement of society check on corruption can  make our cities worth living .If all concerned join hands sincerely with determination ,our cities may turned from the  present day ‘Hell’ to the heaven of future.
(The author is former Liberian University of Jammu )