India, Bangladesh discuss Rohingya crisis

NEW DELHI: Bangladesh, which is facing a big influx of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, today explained its situation to India and the pressure it was under due to the migration.

Bangladesh High Commissioner Syed Muazzem Ali today called on Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar during which the two sides discussed the issue of Rohingya Muslims in detail.

During the meeting, which lasted for more than half-an- hour, the Bangladesh envoy also talked about the need for the international community to intervene and put pressure on Myanmar to address the exodus, sources in Bangladesh High Commission here said.

They said the Bangladesh Government was providing shelter to these refugees out of humanitarian considerations but it was putting a lot of pressure on the country.

“Thousands of Rohingya Muslims are coming to Bangladesh daily. It is creating a lot of problem for the country,” an official in the Bangladesh High Commission said. (AGENCIES)