Renaming of trains

This has reference to the news item’Rlys to rename trains after famous literary works’ (DE, Aug 3, 2017).It is heartening to read that the Railway Ministry is looking at a propsal to rename trains after famous literary works, referencing not just their authors but also the region they come from and that the Ministry was creating a bank of award winning literary works from across the country to christen  various trains across different railway zones.The great writers of every country and in all the languages are valuable assets to their country and their immortal works are our most precious treasure and heritage.
Mother India  is fortunate enough to have given birth to  many great writers from every region, who have immortalised themselves by producing works acclaimed nationally and internationally.So they need to be given due recognition, which can serve as an inspiration to the coming generations.The naming of trains after them is an innovative way of commemorating their contribution to the society and their motherland and thus, paying them glorious tributes.This step will also help in fulfilling the regional aspirations of the people of the regions they belonged to.The fact that some trains including ‘The Godan Express’ named after Munshi Prem Chand’s famous work ‘Godan’ and  ‘The Kaifiyiat Express’, named after famous urdu poet Kaifi Azmi are already running and a beginning has, thus  been made, the process needs to be carried on.Similarly, the exceptional contributions of scientists, social scientists/workers, renowned educationists/bureaucrats, crusaders etc should also be considered for bestowing such honours to keep their contributions and memories alive and perpetuate them for the times to come.It is hoped that the Railway Ministry will go ahead with this noble initiative and very soon, the trains will carry such names as Madhushalla, Malgudi, Meghdootam, Geetanjali and the names of the literary works of other great writers, which will be a feast to the eyes and the mind.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,