Jagti inmates protest; demand rehabilitation, hike in relief

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 10: The inmates of Jagti camp today staged a massive demonstration demanding permanent rehabilitation of displaced Pandits leading an exiled life outside the Valley for last 28 years now.
The protesters raising slogans in support of their demands made an appeal to visiting Union Home Minister that Government of India should seriously ponder over this grave issue as how long the community will pass their days as nomads.
The protesters demanded that the community be settled in Valley on its terms and conditions by fulfilling its geo-political aspirations as its future generation is facing a dark and bleak future due to the callousness of the Government because the community does not form any vote bank.
The protesters demanded that for the immediate survival the monthly relief be enhanced  in view of the sky rocketing of the prices of essential commodities and the people dependent on cash relief only face it difficult  to make their both ends meet.
They also demanded that Government should find a once for all solution to their problem as how long the community will pass its days in exile that too in their own country after being deprived of their ancestral property and the fundamental rights.