Jammu region industries at receiving end: AoI

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 10: In a meeting of Association of Industries under the chairmanship of Rajesh Jain, the members were furious towards unattended woes of the industries in the Jammu region. Association is firmly of the belief that Jammu based industrialists are continuously being penalized due to their nationalistic approach to remain at the receiving end.
Jain said that due to the lack of requisite and sympathetic priority even during the present regime, the industrial sector is not receiving the proper attention.
He said, already large scale movement of educated unemployed youth outside the State is directly helping forces encouraged by hostile neighbouring country achieve demographic population change in the State, adding that incentives as proposed and promised to extend the existing benefits have still to see the light of the day even after the lapse of over two months period whereby the GST regime has been extended in the State.
“The members are absolutely unaware of their fate due to large scale financial implications,” Jain said.
He further said, not only the State Govt. but the Central Govt. as well have failed to attend to the concerns of local industries although the Association had welcomed the announcement by the Central Govt. in granting relief by way of partial refund from the Central Govt. share of GST to eligible units in J&K who were availing this exemption prior to introduction of GST.
“The detailed guidelines and modality of refund were expected to be announced shortly. A preliminary reading of the announcement indicates that the entire North-Eastern States-Uttranchal, Himachal Pradesh and J&K have been clubbed in one category in the announced package of incentives,” added Jain.
He said, SSI units earlier working in Excise exemptions are unable to avail of new package of incentives as they have been rendered ineligible.
The Association of Industries appealed to the Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh to intervene in the matter and solve the issue.