Clinton to discuss nonproliferation issues during India trip

WASHINGTON, Apr 28: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would discuss non-proliferation issues among other things during her trip to India next month, a US official said today.
“The Secretary will be in India, both in Delhi and in Calcutta. She’ll have a chance in the context of our bilateral dialogue to talk about the full range of issues, including nonproliferation issues,” State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters.
She was responding to questions on missile tests by the two South Asian neighbors this month.
The US had then called for restraint by the nuclear powered nations.
Responding to a question on the civilian nuclear deal, Nuland said India has to take some more steps in this regard.
“I think you know where we are on this, that we are looking for some more steps on the Indian side,” she said.
Clinton will visit India early next month as part of a three-nation Asia tour to consult with the Indian leadership on key regional and global issues including Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and Myanmar.
Clinton’s sudden decision to visit India came as a surprise as a stopover in New Delhi was not on her initial Asia itinerary that was primarily meant to attend the fourth round of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing on May 3-4.
She will be visiting Bangladesh and India from May 5 to May 8. (PTI)