Indian embassy, RPO Jammu help rescue of Rajouri youth from Dubai

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 19: With the intervention of Indian consulate and prompt initiative taken by the Regional Passport Officer Jammu, Vimarsh Aryan, a youth hailing from Rajouri district has been rescued from a virtual `death trap’ in United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The innocent village boy, Neeraj Kumar, hailing from  Siot area of Sunderbani in district Rajouri of Jammu region, fell into the trap of illegal agents in Chandigarh few months ago, who sent him to Saudi Arabia by showing green pastures. They  also  extorted handsome amount from this village boy from J&K and assured that he will get good job in a company at Dubai. He was also told that Company would bear the expenses of boarding and lodging besides providing other facilities and the perks per month were also conveyed to him before leaving from Chandigarh for Dubai. But, ironically, this boy when landed in Dubai, he found things quite different there.
This 25-year youth told the Excelsior that he could be able to have re-union with his parents and other family members only due to the sincere efforts of Regional Passport Officer, Jammu, Vimarsh Aryan and India Embassy (Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India. He said DC Rajouri, Dr Shahid Iqbal also took  initiative and promptly  wrote to the External Affairs Ministry in New Delhi, seeking his rescue from the clutches of the company management.
Neeraj disclosed that he was forced to work in the company- `All Metals Industry LLC, Dubai. The nature of job promised was totally different as promised. He had been turned into bonded labourer with no defined working timings and was made to work in front of furnace for melting steel and other metals. There was intense hot even beyond 50-55 degree Celsius, may be more and he was apprehending his death very nearer. He had refused to work under such circumstances but some people in the  company were harassing him and issuing threats.  He had no option but to work and had lost all hopes of going back home alive. He was not even allowed to go out  of the complex and contact any body.
After meeting this ordeal for several months, he one day, managed to contact his parents and wept before them to help him to reach home as they will not be able to see him alive if delayed. Upon this, his father and other family members initially approached DC Rajouri, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary who wrote to the Ministry of External Affairs in Delhi.
Neeraj further revealed that on the suggestion of some people at Rajouri, his father then rushed to Jammu and contacted Regional Passport Officer, Jammu Vimarsh Aryan who took all the details and established contact with Indian Consulate at Dubai, who traced him and finally managed to help him to send back to Delhi and finally to his home. The boy arrived here hardly two days back. He suggested to the youth of this area not to fall prey to illegal/ fraudulent agents while going abroad otherwise, would face the same fate. He disclosed that one Ramanand of Chandigarh threw him into this death trap and he is going to take legal action against him. Neeraj told that he had burning desire to go abroad and earn money to improve financial condition of his family but he returned with bitter experience.
Regional Passport officer, Jammu Aryan, when contacted revealed that father of Neeraj from Sunderbani approached him at his office in Jammu on September 9, 2017. He told the whole story  and pleaded to save his son trapped in Dubai. Aryan said then he contacted his Delhi office (MEA) and also established contact with Indian Consulate in Dubai. The officials there then traced this company with the help of UAE Govt officials. The joint team then reached the factory and took the youth into their control. That Government has also initiated action in this regard against Company management in Dubai for forced labour and detaining the worker illegally.
RPO further revealed that when this boy arrived Delhi, he communicated the message to his family in Sunderbani. They were rejoiced over it. The youth also revealed his story to the seniors at Ministry of External Affairs, Dehli. Then they sent him to Jammu. The youth is now with the family living happily, Aryan maintained.
Passport officer appealed to the youth of this region not to fall prey to such illegal agents  and get themself registered with the Ministry of External Affairs through its  portal before opting for going abroad as it would help them to trace and bring back safely and also plead their case with any country.