That heavy downpours,
That relaxing raindrops,
Makes me feel,
I’m living for you…
That every single drop of rain,
Falling from the sky,
Reminds me that,
I’m here only for you…
The slow showers in the beginning,
The jumping of children in the streets,
Makes me smile on your behalf…
Those paper boats floating
in small water steams,
Recalls me of your letters…
When at home, my rushing
into the room,
Silently slipping into my blanket,
Makes me feel your presence…
That every raindrop,
Reminds me of your words,
That how you used to talk to me in
“The Lovely Winter Rains”…

Natisha Bhagat
BSF School, Jammu

My debacle 

Ask me that feel after a debacle,
To answer my conscience I went mum,
Was stunned to find that I lost it all,
Which took my everything big or small,
Had mustered it all to see my name,
But had to face the losing game,
Was like a man marooned on an island,
Who was there to give a helping hand?
Realised the life is a lose win play,
Who knows tomorrow is again my day,
Learnt a lesson to push it again,
Stronger enough to bear the pain,
Will rise and fight until I prove,
And here I am again on the move,
Omnipotent is there writing my fate,
He will reward no matter early or late!

Supreet Singh Sodhi
Bonahama (Kashmir)


My childhood still holds some mysteries
Those morning laughs still come in my dreams
My naughty sleep with sip of hot tea
Those morning lessons which taught me how to live
Walls do ask me sometimes …..
Why u walk fast leaving past haSSnging
on shoulders of mine ???
Why u forget every Time….
To thank those
Who made ur life ……
Still my mind moves around 50 years old tree
And it’s shades of beauty….
How my father used to lecture while relaxing under it
How its coolness always impressed me…
How my mother’s childhood stories started
Growing up ….
While looking branches of tree …..
How my brother used to mock ….
While hiding face behind me…..
How my sister always demanded ice cream…
How she always look at
When I did some stupid thing …..
The pages of my life are not so fantistic…
Not so suffocated…. not too much proper…..
My pages of life are knitted by my family…
Do sometimes astonish me …
Not a single place for my friendship….

Sulekha Manhas
Shakti Nagar Jammu