My focus is on job, can’t react to people’s criticism: Marijne

BENGALURU: Indian men’s hockey team’s chief coach Sjoerd Marijne today made it clear that he is not bothered by critics questining his appointment as he has to deliver results.
“I cannot do anything about what people talk about me. I am just focusing on what I can do as a coach. My quest is to build team, which can give results on regular basis,” Marijne said today.
Marijne was associated with women’s national team before being appointed as the chief coach of the men’s team. But by his own admission, he has coached more men’s team.
“In the last eight years, I had coached more men’s teams more than women’s. I feel confident about this job and that is most important thing for me right now.”
Replying to a query, Marijne said the women’s squad were disappointed about his appointment, for they would be missing him for whatever good work they had been executing.
“Yeah, they were disappointed because they were happy with what we were doing. I am happy that they were disappointed because if they weren’t that would have meant I was not doing my job properly,” he said.
Reacting to outgoing coach Oltmans’ remarks that foreign coaches in India need to be prepared for getting sacked, Marijne said he does not want to focus on issues which distracts him.
Replying to a query, Marijne said the biggest challenge for him is to know the team better in next following months.
“I do not know how the team reacts to pressure. How are they faring in tournaments? What is their behaviour? Things like that, I would want to know in following months,” he said.
Asked which are the areas he would like to focus, Marijne said it is too early to take a call, but he would watch players in action during Asia Cup next month.
“Asia Cup will be important tournament for me to assess players where they stand and what needs to be done on their shortcomings and improvement on their strengths,” he said.
Replying to a query, Marijne said this is not the first time he is working under players-driven coaching system.
“I have always been working under players-driven coaching system. I worked thus with the women’s team,” he said. (AGENCIES)
They, then designed a network of 39 bots to deploy these hashtags in a synchronised manner to 25,000 real followers during a four-month period from October to December 2016.
Each bot automatically recorded when a target user retweeted intervention-related content and also each exposure that had taken place prior to retweeting.
“We also saw that every exposure increased the probability of adoption – there is a cumulative reinforcement effect,” said Ferrara.
“It seems there are some cognitive mechanisms that reinforce your likelihood to believe in or adopt a piece of information when it is validated by multiple sources in your social network,” Ferrara said.
Aside from revealing the hidden dynamics that drive human behaviour online, this discovery could also improve how positive intervention strategies are deployed on social networks in many scenarios, including public health announcements for disease control or emergency management in the wake of a crisis, researchers said. (AGENCIES)