Surgical strike across LoC

Col J P Singh
On 29 September 2016, 11 days after the horrific Uri attack, Indian Army carried out a surgical strike on various terrorist launch-pads across the LoC. What prompted the much debated surgical strike was the Uri attack of 18 September 2016, the story of which goes like this. 10 Dogra having completed its field tenure was in the process of being relieved by 6 Bihar. Handing-taking over of operational and administrative assets was in progress. Since there wasn’t suitable living accommodation in the adm base of the unit, the troops of the incoming unit were accommodated in tents where a fuel dump was also close-by. 4 terrorists of JeM, having breached the security fence, launched a pre-dawn fierce fire assault at the men sleeping in the tents. Terrorists lobbed 17 grenades in a quick succession which exploded the petrol barrels and put the synthetic tents on fire.  In this attack 19 soldiers of both units were killed and 17 injured in what was dubbed as the deadliest attack on the Army in the last two decades. More deaths were from burn injuries. Seven of the persons killed were cooks and barbers. All the 4 JeM terrorists were gunned down in the gun battle that followed. Breach of high security and unprecedented damage proves that they had local guidance and help. That apart, it was a loss of face.
Earlier, on 4th June 2016, NSCN-K insurgents had ambushed an Army convoy of a Dogra Bn in Manipur killing 18 Jawans. On 10th June, Indian Army raided two insurgent camps inside Myanmar and inflicted large number of casualties. 70 Para Commandos carried out the operation. The actual operation took about 40 minutes in which nearly  150 militants were killed. Our troops suffered no casualty. Myanmar army provided full cooperation and support to our strike force. With the two successful surgical strikes, India’s patience with the cross border terrorism seems almost done.
Uri attack was the last straw in camel’s back. Nation’s anger soared. Home Minister called off his Russia & America visits whereas Defence Minister and NSA rushed to the valley. The clamour for retaliation rose sharply. BJP strategist Ram Madhav demanded, “for one tooth, a complete jaw”. PM Modi came under immense pressure to live up to his 2014 election promise of giving a ‘befitting reply’ to any attacks on the country and teaching Pakistan a lesson. Within a week, while addressing a public rally at Kazikode, Kerala, PM said “will never forgive, nor forget Uri”. It wasn’t just rhetoric but approval of a strike against terrorist launch pads across LoC. Special Forces Para Commandos were selected for the operation. On 29 September 2016, they destroyed 7/8 terrorist launch pads across the LoC. The operation was focused to make the terrorists understand that the consequences of infiltrating and Uri type attacks will be deadly.
Various reporters contrived a story of the surgical strike. As per them, on 18 September itself, PM Modi asked Ajit Doval, the  NSA, to probe the Uri terror attack, identify the perpetrators and explore all options of retaliation including military. On 21 September two local guides who led the terrorists to the army camp were apprehended and interrogated. On 22 September DGMO briefed the PM, RM, NSA and Army Chief on likely cross LoC options. Same day Northern Army Commander formed a  composite strike group of Para Commandos. Next day Raksha Mantri and NSA met PM with the proposed surgical strike which Modi authorized. On 26th, NSA, three service chiefs, two Intelligence chiefs, DGMO and the Foreign Secretary, all disguised, met at some undisclosed location outside Delhi. Thereafter they met twice more similarly disguised. In these meetings nitty-gritty of operation and contingency plans were finalized. On 27 September, as a ruse, civilians living in the border villages of Jammu, Kathua and Punjab were evacuated. At 11 PM of 28th September, strike teams crossed LoC. They struck the assigned launch-pads by fierce fire assaults, the images of which were beamed to the Control Centre at Udhampur. 7/8 launch pads, over a frontage of 250 Kms, were destroyed in which 40 to 45 terrorist were killed. Operation was monitored by the PM, RM, NSA, Services Chiefs & DGMO throughout the night. At 7.30 AM September 29, NSA and DGMO updated the PM on the complete success of the operation. Thereater Cabinet Committee on Security was briefed. DGMO called his counterpart in Pakistan and informed him of the surgical strike. PM Modi personally informed former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh of the historic event. At 12.30 media was briefed by DGMO. The news which spread like a wild fire thrilled the nation. Similar story has been contrived in the book ‘Surgical Strike’ written by Rahul Kanwal and Shiv Aroor prime time anchors of India Today new channel.
The decision to cross IB/LoC and launch attacks on enemy launch pads reflected a shift in India’s resolve to fight terrorism. A new cornerstone of Modi govt came to the forefront with a ‘tit for tat’ approach to Indo-Pak relations with a titanic shift in its foreign policy. It was a welcome change from UPA govt policy of ‘running with the hares and hunting with the hounds’.
Some critics refused to accept the army version of the surgical strike and those who believed it, refused to accept it as a surgical strike, calling it at best a cross border raid. Surgical strike as per them involved striking deep into enemy territory by using air and manpower and causing a great damage to enemy targets in terms of men and material. It needs clarification. A surgical strike is a sudden and surprise attack on an enemy position to destroy a specific military target. In such strike no or minimal damage is caused to the physical structures or the surrounding areas. Simply defined, a surgical strike is ‘a swift, precision and lightening attack’ on a military target without intending to cause any damage to civilians. The best example of a surgical strike was elimination of Osama Bin Laden by American Seals in Pak military cantonment. The Heliborne operation was launched from close-by Afghanistan. Surgical strikes can be carried out by Air Strikes, Heliborne Special Teams or a direct swift ground action. In 1976, Israeli commandos freed Israeli passengers from a hijacked Air France aircraft from Palestinian  terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. It was a classic example of surgical strike at that time in a foreign territory 2,500 miles away. All hijackers were killed.  Such contingencies may occur and similar missions may be assigned to the army in future. There can be nothing more unfortunate that the Indian leaders question such missions, seek video proofs and speak adversary’s language despite understanding the truth.
Clear cut message from the last year’s surgical strike is that in future national security will not be compromised at any cost. For this army must be given the freedom of retaliation rather than the political leadership. Every unit at the LoC has Ghatak Platoons, as good as Commandos, which should be employed for quick retaliation because launch pads are invariably closer to LoC and area well known to the units. Quick retaliation raises the morale and keeps troops alert. Whereas surgical strikes of 29 September type be carried out for deeper lucrative targets for which decisions can be taken at higher level. ‘For one tooth, a complete Jaw” should be added to our military doctrines and practiced at the LoC.
After 1971 war I was post commander at a haunted CRP Post  in Poonch (near Chakan-di-Bagh), where Pak raiders had killed the entire Platoon in fifties. The horrific story of the massacre kept us alert and stood a good stead in our 2nd LoC tenure after 11 years. Uri and Surgical Strike should stand the army a good stead in J&K.
In the matters of national security, one should not raise frivolous questions just because of political rivalry. After success at Doklam, 3rd consecutive, why should one raise a question which is derogatory to the armed forces? To the politicians, please trust your army and do not do or say anything which enthralls enemies of the nation, within and across.