Strengthening internal security

In creating internal security problems for us our two neighbours on the west and the east, now in a tango, have played treacherous role. Both of them have taken resort to internal subversion and external aggression. We had to meet the challenge and we have done it to protect our democratic and secular social structure. Of course we have had to pay a heavy price for our security and the Indian nation did not hesitate to make the sacrifices. We are required to allocate enormous funds in our annual budget to the sustenance and upgrading of internal security which comprises paramilitary forces under different categories and the police force which however is a state list item. It means that the first frontline that is required to tackle the menace of internal subversion and armed uprising is the police force. Actually police force is not required to fight a battle in a war; its main duty is to preserve law and order within the state. But the nature of proxy wars unleashed in J&K and the type of guerilla war unleashed in some of the disturbed Eastern States of Indian Union is such that the paramilitary forces and the defence forces are required to come to the assistance of the police force and work in close cooperation with them to meet the challenge. Therefore the planning at the level of Home Ministry demanded that the Union Government and especially the Home Ministry steps in to provide the requisite infrastructure to the police forces in the disturbed states of J&K and those in the east. That is why the Home Ministry took serious and calculated step of providing sufficient funds for upgrading and improving the police infrastructure in our State and also in the Eastern States. Ever since externally sponsored armed insurgency surfaced in J&K in 1989 the Home Ministry has remained seized with not only improving the training and equipment of the police force but also bringing about a drastic change in the entire structure like  providing sophisticated automatic weapons, latest communication system, efficient and extensive vehicular mobility, upgrading of pay scales and promotion rules, family welfare and children education, establishing of residential colonies and above all comprehensive field training in meeting the menace of militancy,
This is not a small project and has been regularly promoted by the Home Ministry for past three decades each year making further improvements and each year raising annual allocations in the budgets. In a decision aimed at boosting internal security related infrastructure and meeting other provisions, the Union Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) has approved Central budget outlay of Rs 10,132 crore for militancy hit States of Jammu and Kashmir, North East and Naxal-affected States. In addition, schemes under Security Related Expenditure (SRE) worth Rs 3655 crores have been approved for J&K. The decisions were taken today by the CCS headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on recommendations of the Union Home Ministry headed by Rajnath Singh. It has to be noted that what is known as Security Related Expenditures eats up a good part of allocations made. This includes the welfare measures for the policemen and their families and wards. It also covers the expenditure incurred on providing relief/rehabilitation to the civilian population affected by the militancy like the displacements from the valley and the border areas where firing and shelling by the Pakistani regulars have become an almost a regular feature.
It has to be noted that the State Police have made great sacrifices of precious lives in meeting the challenge of the terrorists sponsored from across the border. Many of the jawans of J&K Police force have shown laudable example of bravery and dedication to duty and many of them have been awarded with prestigious medals. They have brought name and fame to the State and the nation. We salute them all especially those brave hearts who have laid down their lives for the defence of the motherland.