This has reference to the news item ‘Surinsar-Mansar lakes face existential threat’ DE Oct 10.
It is quite dismaying to note that no serious attention is paid to save the dying water bodies in Jammu region. These water bodies are not mere water supplying sources but they have some socio-cultural importance too.
Once these water bodies will cease to exist, it will also have great repurcussions on the survival of flora and fauna of the region. It is mere the duty of the State Government alone to save these bodies, but local people too should come forward to conserve them. The Government must allocate sufficient money to safeguard them.
There is urgent need to keep them pollution free. People are too careless to keep them clean. They throw every sort of house-hold garbage into them, or get their cattle bathed in them. They also wash clothes on their banks. The people need to be made aware of these problems, so that these water bodies are maintained regularly. Otherwise, they will cease to exist forever.
Yours etc…
Rajinder Rohmetra