Working of JKPSC

As a student pursuing research on the topic related to political institutions and their growth, something which has become the highlight of my work is that a democratic setup cannot function without the right functioning of the institutions that basically form that backbone of any and every state. It is these institutions and their efficiency that run the state and carry the aspirations of the citizens. So, it becomes quite disheartening when we see the current situation through which our PSC is going, a body not only responsible for carrying out various higher level examinations but also giving a defined direction to our aspiring students. The jeopardy of JKPSC in conducting the most prestigious examination of the state makes one question the role of such an institution. Are our institutions working for public welfare or have they become power centres playing with the aspirations of the masses? Maybe saying these things towards such a respectable institution is harsh.
But, are these bodies even capable of commanding respect from the student wing? With the recent cat and mouse game that the PSC is involved in I think the answer becomes quite clear. As an aspiring candidate, my basic requirement from the institution conducting the exam is very logical and basic, that the exam should be conducted on time with full efficiency and not under the court room trials to which the students are being dragged repeatedly. Where do we stand regarding the future of about 7000 students aspiring to be the next officers of the state? What examples are being set for the youth by these no so transparent institutions? Why have this body failed time and again in the conduction of such an important exam? How do we expect a student to take an exam in a limited span of a month when his/her future is being mocked upon? The questions are many and the answers have become necessary but in all this chaos one thing that is being solidified time and again is the incompetence and failure of a respectable institution and the uncalled for sufferings of students at the hands of such institutions.
Yours etc…
Jasleen kour
on e-mail