Female Foeticide

Rahul Gupta

It is believed that the foetus (unborn baby) responds to the external sound stimuli. Evidence in Vedas also suggests that the foetus in the womb is listening. One of the well-known examples in the ancient Indian literature is of Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna and Subhadra listened and learned the knowledge of entering the deadly and virtually impenetrable Chakravyuha in his mother’s womb, while Arjuna was talking with Subhadra. The other example is of Sage Ashtavakra, who as an unborn child in mother’s womb attained mastery over the Vedas by listening to his grandfather (Rishi Uddalaka). Recent evidence suggests that by 12-16 weeks, the cochlea which is the organ of hearing has the sophisticated development in progress.
The unborn baby also responds to mothers emotions and also feels pain. It responds to stressful conditions by releasing stress hormones, including cortisol and endorphins. It is difficult to ascertain whether unborn child feels pain or not as experience of pain is subjective. In Utah (USA), law enforces the doctors to give anaesthesia to a foetus prior to performing an abortion at 20 weeks or beyond, assuming that the unborn child may be able to feel pain at this point and thereafter. This concept has many opponents, including some of the leading gynaecologists.  They say that for the pain perception, the pain mechanism is not completely developed. Embryologically, pain receptors develop around 7 weeks to 15 weeks, neurons in the spinal cord at around 19 weeks, and the spino-thalamic tract at 24 weeks and also the functional maturity occurs much latter. German scholar Leuning R. believed that the pain perception starts, when there is presence of Consciousness. Renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist from New York, Bernard N. Nathanson in the film Silent Scream (anti-abortion documentary) narrates ultrasound footage of an abortion of a twelve-week-old foetus taking place in the uterus. During the abortion process, the foetus is described as appearing to make outcries of pain and discomfort. Nathanson states that the foetus opened its mouth during the procedure and he calls it “silent scream”. He was once the Director of one of the largest abortion facility in the west. He believed that as a violent act, abortion of the unborn baby must be barred, and we must “stop the killing.”
In 12 weeks the foetus looks like a tiny baby and has all the identifiable organs. With state of the art technology we are able to see the sequence of foetal photographs, and videos. 12 weeks old unborn baby has life or the soul inside (Sadguru Vasudev) and author believes that nobody on this PLANET has the right to take the life of the unborn baby. All laws for aborting such foetus are anti-life and unethical. How can we let a member of the community to be torn apart, sucked and crushed in its refuge? For a Foetologist or a Foetal Surgeon, the unborn child is his major concern. Foetus is a second patient inside the womb of the first patient.
The story of Amillia Taylor, tiniest survivor born at 21 weeks and 6 days into gestation with 284 grams gives goose bumps. The baby girl had just crossed half of the supposed journey in the womb and she was born two weeks before the legal abortion limit of 24 weeks in USA. The miracle baby is a live example against the justification of this criminal act of foeticide.
In India the legal abortion limit (The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971) is up to 20 weeks of Pregnancy. The adult pregnant woman needs to give her consent for the procedure under following circumstances: pregnancy endangering her physical or mental health, potential risk of handicapped or malformed baby, rape, and failure in sterilisation. In case of lunatics and unmarried girls under the age of 18 years, consent of guardian is required.
Under the garb of “failure in sterilization process” leading to unplanned pregnancy, female foeticide is being performed in thousands, in some parts of our country. This is selective murder for the cause of Planned Parenthood in the “Child’s sanctuary”. This is because of the fact that daughters are less preferred and sex selective abortions are being performed in many places. This has resulted in decline in female to male sex ratio. In our society, when female foeticide is so rampant in all the strata, from poor communities to rich and influential, it is indeed unimaginable the plight of female child born with congenital anomalies. These female children are the ones most unwanted in the society. As a conscious society, we must continue to strive for the healing and betterment of the children, and also female born with congenital anomalies.
Though there is improvement in statistical figures from 933 females to 1000 males in 2001 to 940 females to 1000 males in 2011, more needs to be done. Law (PCPNDT Act) to prevent such an evil action is present, but, it is difficult to prevent it, unless social awakening and moral setting is infused continuously like the Abhiyan of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (Save the Girl Child Educate the Girl Child): An initiative started by Pradhan Mantri Shri Narendra Modi Ji.
We must make the society know that the unborn child has functioning heart which started performing at 4 weeks and the unborn child should be considered a part of the family. Till the belief of citizens, family members and mother in particular, towards the unborn Devi (Shakti) is not modified, the female foeticide would continue. The author believes that a national character has to be rebuilt and female “Role models” need to be celebrated for changing the mind-set of the citizens.
Do we need to be scientific or we have to be spiritual or else religious is a personal question. Let us resort to our sacred Text of Mahabharata for finding the unsolved answers. At the near end of the epic war of Mahabharata, Ashwathama releases the Brahmastra to kill the unborn baby of Abhimanyu. Krishna being the “saviour”, saves life of Parikshit, son of Abhimanyu in Uttara’s womb. He gives life and prevents the eminent abortion / foeticide.
It is we who have to decide that which side are we? Are we on the side of the killer Ashwathama or the Saviour Bhagwan Krishna? Mere chanting the name of the lord is not sufficient. We must follow the Path of righteousness and imbibe the wisdom and also actions of Paramatma and prevent this gruesome act of taking life of the foetus. At present times, Krishna is your consciousness, and it must manifest to save the unborn child in its refuge. Remember, female foeticide is a curse on the humanity. The battle of the female against adversaries continues. The job is not over yet, and a lot needs to be done for “A New India” and “A Better India” for Beti (The Girl Child).