Downloading God

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji

Think about how a computer works. A computer starts out as a basic hardware. On its own it can do nothing. To operate, software programs have to be downloaded to it. These software programs carry out different tasks and functions. Although all computers are basically the same, they operate differently based on the software downloaded into it.
Human beings are like basic computer hardware. We are born with the same basic operating equipment. We have a physical body, bodily systems, and the brain with its system of taking information from the body and senses. What makes us different is the kind of input that is downloading into our self over the course of our lives. We all download different types of input from the world. Most people only download information into themselves that comes from their body, their senses, and the outer world.
Unfortunately instead of downloading God, we are downloading the world into ourselves. If we identify our true self, the soul we will find that downloading this world doesn’t fulfill us. The soul is not interested in downloading the world with its enjoyments and entertainments. It wants to download the Divine and its bliss, love, and ecstasy. The soul is only nourished by the love and light of the Divine.
To be truly fulfilled, we need to download God. How can we do that?
Meditation is the process of downloading God. However, what do most of us do in meditation? After stilling our body, instead of also stilling the mind, we continue downloading the world. This is where the problem begins. We are downloading our past. We are downloading our wishes for the future. We are downloading our thoughts of anger, lust, greed, attachment, and ego. We are downloading the desires of our senses.
Meditation should be an effortless effort. We close our eyes and simply gaze at what lies in front of us. The sooner we sit in that state, the sooner we will have inner progress. In meditation, we shouldn’t be disturbed by thoughts generated from our mind.
To download God, we need to keep our mind still. When we are not thinking, but keeping our mind still, we are able to download God. When we meditate and are distracted by thoughts, we can stop our thoughts in their tracks and ask, “Do I want to download worldly thoughts, or do I want to meditate?” This simple reminder can get us back on track to focusing our attention within. If we can train ourselves to do this, we will form a habit. That habit will be that the mind remains stilled during meditation time. Then, we will see rapid results in our meditation and will swim in the ocean of love and bliss.
When we download God into our system, we are actually merging our real nature back into our Source. We then tap into eternal wisdom, immortality, bliss, happiness, peace and divine love. We experience the ecstasy and love unknown to us in this physical world. Our soul is only fulfilled by union with God. It is not satisfied by anything of this world.
Being like a computer that downloads God- opens us up to receive the eternal treasures of God, and helps us swim in the ocean of love, peace, joy, and bliss.