Lord of Shirdhi

Capt Purushottam Sharma

October 15th 2017 happens to be the 100th Mahasamadhi day of Lord of Shridhi who shed His mortal coils at 2.30 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 1918.
Chand Bhai Patel, headman of Village Dhoop Gaon falling in District Aurangabad (Maharashtra) had a mare by the name of Bijli. One day, Bijli disappeared from the grazing field. Patel made a thorough search for several days but could not trace it. Fatigued and frustrated, he proceeded homeward carrying the saddle on his person. On the way, he came across a ‘faqir’ (renunciant) sitting under a tree. Faqir asked Patel reasons for carrying such a heavy load on his shoulders. To this, Patel told Him about the disappearance of his mare two months back and his diligent search had been in vain.
Faqir directed Patel to look for the mare in the nearby Nallah, To his astronishment, Patel found the mare grazing there. Patel recognized the divinity of Faqir. In the mean time, Faqir lighted the ‘chillum’ by materializing live ember and water from the ground by striking his ‘chimta’ (prong)  and ‘satka’ (short stick) respectively and offered the ‘chillum’ to Patel. Live ember is used in lighting the pipe and water to moisten the ‘chhapi’ (a piece of cloth used in drawing up the smoke from the pipe). Chand Patel invited the Faqir to stay with him in Dhoop Gaon to which He agreed. After some day’s stay, Faqir accompanied a marriage party of Patel’s relative to Shirdhi. Marriage party alighted from the bullock-carts in the field of Bhagat Mhalsapathi near Khandoba Mandir. Recognizing His divinity and welcoming Him, Mhalsapathi addressed Him “YA SAI” (welcome Sai). From then onwards Faqir was known as “Shirdhi Sai Baba.’
An elderly lady of the Village was the first person who had seen a very handsome young boy of about 16 years sitting in ‘Samadhi’ under a ‘Neem’ tree. He took to severe austerities. Vagaries of weather never bothered Him. He introduced Himself saying “Hum to Sai Hai, Gosai Hai, Lambe Lambe Se Aye Hai.” He made a dilapidated mosque in Village Shridhi His abode for 60 years and called it ‘Dwarka Mai.’
He begged food and stored in a ‘Kolamba’ (an earthen pot) and shared it with stray animals and birds.
Though, He had not formal education yet He had command over many languages and quoted verses from Holy scriptures of different faiths befitting to the subject and occasion.
He always emphasized on practicing ‘Shradha’ and ‘Saburi’ (faith and patience) to realize the ultimate Truth and preached “Allah Malik.” Sitting in Dwarka Mai and rubbing coins was Baba’s routine, While doing so, He chanted “Taatyacha Shamyacha” thus removed the suffereings of His devotees. Grinding grains was His another miracle. Once cholera spread in the area. Baba marked the village boundary line with the grinded flour that kept the village people safe from the deadly epidemic.
On another occasion, a severe thunderstorm overtook the village. The dark clouds and torrential rains fightened the inhabitants. Baba gave just a serious look at dark clouded sky and commanded it to tbe merciful and the command was promptly and explicitly carried out.
One day Baba’s ardent devotee Shama was bitten by a deadly cobra and the victim rushed to  Baba who angrily addressed “O Darpok Pujari, Uper Mat Chad, Savdhan Agar Aisa Kiya To” He then shouted “Hatto, Dur Hatt, Neeche Utter” (O, timid priest, do not climb up, I warn you not to do so, get lost, get lost away, come down). Shama was disappointed to hear these words and stopped where he was. In fact Baba meant to stop the venom to ascend and spread all over the body. The victim Shama was fully cured of snake-bite.
Once Baba was refused oil by the local shopkeepers to light the earthen lamps of which He was very fond of. Baba put the sanctified water through His mouth and lamps burnt longer than usual and the glow was lore glittering and illuminating than before.
Baba’s wearing was long ‘Kafni’ to cover His body, ‘kaupin’ (lion cloth) around waist and piece of cloth around His head. He slept on a hard bed for sometime and used a brick as a pillow. The plank of very narrow width was hung frail old cloth pieces which could hardly take on the weight of the plank. It was a greater mystery to find Baba climbing up the plank and sleeping on it with four lamps burning on the four corners of the plank.
Shirdhi hummed with spiritual and cultural activities in Baba’s time. He possessed immense sense of humour and took keen interest in wrestling, dance, music and folk songs. His own voice was very melodious. All festivals were celebrated in Baba’s presence with fervor and gaiety to create amity and harmony among the people. Devotees always surrounded Baba at the ‘Akhand Dhooni’ which is still burning . Its ash is called ‘UDI’ which is Baba’s sacred ‘prasad’ that removes the sufferings of the devotees, answers their prayers and fulfills their wishes. Baba was very generous and emphasized on mutual love, purity of thoughts, selfless service, non-violence and good conduct. He preached Universal Brotherhood saying that there is no difference between Ram and Raheem and advised the people to always sing the glories of the Lord of the Universe.