Dir Tourism reviews preparations for Gulmarg winter sports activities

GULMARG: Director Tourism Kashmir Mahmood A Shah reviewed the preparations for the upcoming winter sports activities at famous ski resort Gulmarg in a meeting held today at Gulmarg Club.

MLA Gulmarg Mohammad Abbas Wani was also present on the occasion.

The meeting was attended by CEO Gulmarg Development Authority Syed Hanief Balkhi, Assistant Director Tourism Gulmarg Dr Ilyas besides the senior officials from Cable Car Corporation, Youth Services and Sports, Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering.

During the meeting, clearance of snow in time, smooth operations of ski lifts and snow beating machines, maintenance of slopes, readiness of ski patrolling teams for rescue operations, logistic support for heli-skiing, besides maintenance of ice-skating rinks were discussed.

The meeting also discussed holding of winter sports activities like ski and snowboarding championships, ice-staking camps in addition to the snow festival.

Addressing the participants, Director Tourism said that Gulmarg is one of the main attractions for the tourists during winter months for which they need to be prepared. He urged upon the officers to keep road to Gulmarg open during snowfall and clear the snow well in time so that tourist don’t face any difficulty.

“Tourists visit Gulmarg in good numbers as soon as it snows here and for that we need to be prepared. We will organise all the snow sports activities which is essential for the promotion of Gulmarg as a winter sports destination,” he said.

Later, Mahmood A Shah also took stock of the macadamisation of roads leading to Gulmarg, parking facilities being developed by GDA. He also inspected the site of upcoming solid waste management plant.

Director Tourism interacted with the service providers like ponywallas and urged them to provide smooth services to the tourists.

In compliance with the directions given by the Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti in the recent board meeting of GDA at civil secretariat, Gulmarg dormitory was handed over to Winter Games Association of J&K (WGAJK).

President WGAJK and MLA from Gulmarg Mohammad Abbas Wani also highlighted the importance of winter sports activities for the promotion of Gulmarg at global level.

“We will make the optimal use of the dormitory for the training of local youth in winter games which will help them compete at national and international level,” said Abbas.