Jaipur, Srinagar top ranked airports in small aerodrome category

MUMBAI: AAI-owned Jaipur and Srinagar airports have been ranked among the best aerodromes in the world in the 2-5 million passengers per annum category by the Airport Council International (ACI).

While Jaipur was ranked first, Srinagar was rated second in the 2-5 million passengers per annum category during the annual ACI-ASQ survey.

This is for the second consecutive year that the Jaipur airport has been ranked the best airport in the World in the traffic volume of 2-5 million passengers per year.

The awards were presented to the two airports in the presence of Airports Authority of India (AAI) Chairman Guruprasad Mohapatra and member operations I N Murthy during the 27th ACI Africa/world annual general assembly, conference and exhibition at Port Louis in Mauritius yesterday. (AGENCIES)