Towards knowledge

O P Sharma
“In The Shadow of Memories” in English is the translation of Prof  Champa Sharma’s Sahitya Akademi winning Book in Dogri entitled ” Chete de Rhol”. The original book was a collection of choicest Dogri poems which got immense popularity and its translation was competently done by a talented son of  the soil, Suman K. Sharma. He has caught the true spirit and substance in English translated work of the eminent Dogri author Prof Champa Sharma’s original literary poetry book in the translated work. He has aptly chosen the title and rendered Dogri poetry into English in a superb manner.
Prof Champa Sharma is an eminent Dogri literary figure  who has the distinction of being the founding Head of Post-Graduate Department of  Dogri, University of Jammu. She has to her credit having turned out a number of Dogri students and research scholars. She has made significant contribution to the promotion of Dogri language and its literature.
Eminent Writer
She has published a large number of books in Dogri enriching the Dogri language. It is noteworthy that she also spearheaded the movement for inclusion of the Dogri in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution during the year 2004. After this milestone of recognition of the Dogri, this language has made rapid strides and is now on the fast-track of forwsard march.
The original book of Dogri poetry was very well received by the readership and it got the poet prestigious award from the  Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi in the year 2006. The Dogri poetry in  this book was so meaningful and sweet that some of its poems especially the first and last one have been translated into Manipuri, Santhali, Hindi, Punjabi and Kashmiri as also Thai ( the language of Thailand where her son is posted in the Indian Embassy).
Work Done Well
Suman K Sharma, also a son of the soil, is a professional translator who is well versed in Dogri as also  English. He knows his job well and has the faculty of creative translation capturing the true meaning and spirit of the writer and depicting the spirit of the original author. He has also translated  Prof Lalit Mangotra’s   Shaitya Akademi award winning book in Dogri into Enlgish.
Prof Sharma’s  Dogri poetry book ” Chete Di Rhol” has  been translated into the Kashmiri language by noted writer Mohan Krishan Kaul and is in the process of being published  by the Sahitya Akademi.
Knowledge Society
It is worth mentioning that it is in line with the current thinking that the classical and meritorious books in any language must be made available in the other languages.
It benefits both the writer as also the readers in other languages. This is welcome trend and must go on for enriching our literature and in making knowledgeable society. All the excellent Dogri books should be made available to  the readership of Indian literature in first instance and subsequently take up selected works in foreign languages and vice versa. We are certainly moving toward enlightened  global society.
Valuable Addition
“Chete Di Rhol” a collection of Dogri poetry by Prof Champa Sharma, translated into English as ” In the Shadow of Memories” by Suman K Sharma is  a welcome addition to the Indian literature. The Sahitya Akademi  has rendered a unique service to the Dogri language and contributed a lot in its projection and promotion. Prof Champa Sharma’s Dogri poetry has now  widely opened window to the English readership which is a matter of profit and pride.
( Starline Syndicate Service)