Pak will never succeed in its vicious designs: Dr Jitendra

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Oct 22: Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh while accusing Pakistan of trying every possible trick in the book to export terrorism into Kashmir and create disturbances there, asserted that the neighboring country will never succeed in its vicious designs.
During an informal chat with media persons here today, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the killing of innocent people by Pakistani terrorists in Valley has two aspects one that Pakistan is on back -foot as mercenary terrorism is under tremendous pressure from security forces and they are on run, second is that the youth of Kashmir are also opposed to mercenary terrorism and they are tactfully coming forward against the terrorists now.
He said one of the examples for it is the trapping of a terrorist commander in Valley by the youth of Kashmir recently. Baffled by it, Pakistan is finding it difficult to continue mercenary terrorism in Kashmir as the youth of Valley are fed up and they want to be part of the developmental agenda of Modi Government so that they will not lag behind in progress and development from rest of the country, he added.
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Dr Jitendra Singh said that this can be gauged from the fact that 19 boys and girls from Kashmir Valley were selected in IIT last year while equal number was also selected in NIT. In addition to it, there were toppers in Civil Services Examination from the Valley in last three years.  This is the large number of youth qualifying these examinations from any region of the country, he added.
The Union Minister, while lashing out at Pakistan and separatists said this has baffled the terrorist forces who have been exported from Pakistan or within Valley so they are indulging in killing of innocent people now.
In response to a question about anti national stance of a Jammu youth, Devender Behal, who was instigating people in Valley after his premises were searched by NIA recently, Dr Jitendra Singh said that activities boosting terrorism and separatism in the State should be put to an end. He expressed the hope that State Government will take cognizance of it.
While refuting to make any comment on the resignation of PDP, MLC, Vikramaditya Singh from the party, Dr Jitendra Singh said “it is the internal matter of the Party and I don’ want to indulge in it”. He, however, said that the stand of BJP and Union Government on settlement of Rohingyas in country or outskirts of Jammu is clear as Party and Modi Government attaches highest priority to security of the country on which there will be no compromise.
When his attention was drawn on the role and stand of Kashmiri leaders on Rohingyas issue, he, without naming National Conference (NC), said that Kashmiri leaders have no stand at all as in Kashmir they speak language which suits Kashmiris while in Jammu they try to appease Jammuites and in Delhi they speak the same language which suits Centre.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that on Maharaja, BJP always has a clear stand and it was his Party which installed the statue of Maharaja at Jammu when Kavinder Gupta was Mayor of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC). Criticizing the opposition parties of showing a lip sympathy with Maharaja, he said at that time they boycotted unveiling ceremony of the statue also but overnight they have developed sympathy for him after being out of power.
On Chief Minster Mehbooba Mufti’s recent remarks that if any attempt was made to erode Article 35 -A of the Indian Constitution, there will be no body left for taking out Tricolour in hand, Dr Jitendra Singh said so far as Tricolour is concerned there is no question mark about it as every Indian Citizen from Kashmir to Kanyakumari will carry it. He recalled that BJP has given the sacrifice for unfurling of the National Flag in J&K when the founding president of Jana Sangh, Dr Shayama Prasad Mookerjee laid down his life in the State.
On the holding of talks with Kashmiris, he said “who-so-ever wants to hold talks is welcome as the Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh recently visited Kashmir and started the process.”
The Union Minister was also critical about politicizing the braid chopping issue and said that no attempts should be made to create hatred among the communities over this issue. The braid chopping issues surfaced in other parts of country also and not only in Kashmir Valley, he added.
He said J&K being a sensitive State and terrorists and separatists who are in great desperation want to exploit the situation. He stressed that the society should be made conscious about the same so that no body can exploit the situation to its advantage.
There are different versions about braid chopping and police has no concrete information  and proof about the same, he added.
On holding of first ever State Executive meet of the Party at Srinagar in Kashmir valley in the last week of this month, Dr Jitendra Singh said a good message will be delivered by it across the State as well as the country. “This also shows that people of Kashmir also want to join Narendra Modi’s developmental programme and become part of it.”
Maintaining that BJP is a nationalist party, he said it wants to tie people of all regions and religions of the country into one string based on the mantra “justice to all and appeasement to none”.
He said the BJP under the stewardship of Narendra Modi and Party president, Amit Shah has not only emerged as largest party in the country but entire world. “It has made inroads in those states where it earlier did not have a single legislator like North East. Formation of Government in J&K for the first time in alliance with PDP is also a history and credit for the same goes to Prime Minister.”
Responding to a question on Congress approaching Gujarat’s Pathidar leader Hardik Patel and SC leaders for support in coming assembly elections in the State, Dr Jitendra Singh said that BJP will not only win the elections in the State but create a new history by achieving the target of 150 plus seats there as set by Amit Shah.
He accused the AICC, vice president Rahul Gandhi of making fun of his party as Congress is bereft of issues there. He said Congress is opposing bullet train without knowing that it will create employment opportunities for the people and also reduce the duration of travel and save precious time of the travelers.
He said approaching Patel and other leaders for support indicates Congress is in desperation besides the party has no leadership to project in the State and it wants to take support of the disgruntled leaders who have no base there.
Earlier addressing the office bearers of BJYM from Kathua district, Dr Jitendra Singh asked them to go in the public and highlight the various schemes like Mudra Yojna, Ujwala Yojna, Start up , Stand Up India and Skill Development etc among the  youth and general public.
He said an awakening about these employment generating schemes should be made for youth so that they can take their fullest advantage. He urged the BJYM activists to hold workshops and camps to highlight the advantages of these schemes so that more and more youth can come forward and take their advantage.
The meeting was organized by BJYM, National Executive member, Bharat Sharma.