BJP has let down people of Jammu: Harsh

NPP leader Harsh Dev Singh addressing public meeting at Muthi in Jammu on Tuesday.
NPP leader Harsh Dev Singh addressing public meeting at Muthi in Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 24: Having belied the hopes and aspirations of the Dogras for its vested political interests, NPP chairman and former minister Harsh Dev Singh said that the Saffron leaders had become a desperate and frustrated lot.
He said that it was most shameful on the part of a minister to allow his people to harass and intimidate his own colleague during Muthi meet whose only offense was that he tried to point out the lapses in the system and deficiencies in Health sector besides growing corruption and `Mafia Raj’.
Strongly condemning the threats hurled upon the BJP activist by some associates of the Minister, NPP leader called for appropriate legal action against the delinquents including registration of FIR.
Addressing a public rally at Muthi today the NPP leader appealed the people to throw out such despots who behaved in such unruly manner. Singh maintained that the BJP had caused the greatest disappointment to Dogras when it grossly failed to declare Sept 23 as State holiday despite the adoption of the resolution in the State’s Legislative Council in this regard.
He pointed out that hardly couple of months ago a Kashmir based MLA known for his anti-national stance made the most highly outrageous remarks against Maharaja Hari Singh by calling him a “traitor” inside the Assembly with the BJP remaining content by a simple statement made by one of its Ministers calling the rogue MLA “non sense”. He said that no nationalist could ever imagine the 25 BJP MLAs acting as dumb wits in the face of the notorious MLA making the most obnoxious comments against the tallest Dogra ruler who took the historical decision of accession of J&K with India in 1947.
He said that refusal to grant Dogra certificate to Jammu Dogra youth, imposition of services taxes on Hindu pilgrimage, selection of Kashmir youth against vacancies of Jammu region by PSC, illegal settlement of Rohingyas in Jammu were other moves of the Kashmir centric Govt that severely threatened Dogra culture and its rich heritage.
Balwant Singh Mankotia said that the recent Muthi episode provided the most glaring instance of the high handedness and intolerance of BJP Ministers and MLAs who were hell-bent to suppress all voice of dissent through use of force. He regretted that some BJP leaders after being exposed for their misdeeds and corrupt practices were often resorting to “goondaism” besides using paid agents as well as govt agencies to intimidate the aggrieved complainers at gun point.