VHP to strengthen Hindutva forces in J&K: Togadia

Avtar Bhat

JAMMU, Nov 3: Resolving to strengthen Hindutva forces in J&K, VHP international working president, Dr Parveen Bhai Togadia today urged the members of his organization in the State to redouble their efforts in this regard.
Dr Togadia, who reached here this afternoon on a three days visit while addressing a close door meeting of State Core Committee of his organization said the VHP which is wedded to cause of Hindus across the world will take every possible step in strengthening the Hindutva forces in this border State. (Click here to watch video)
Dr Togadia said that empowering Hindutva forces in this trouble-torn State is need of the hour and VHP activists are wedded to work for the betterment and upliftment of Hindus allover the globe. The VHP will not make any compromise in this regard, he said, adding the organization has come into being only for serving Hindu cause and restore the pristine glory of this nation.
Dr Togadia said “whosoever will be in the Government whether it is PDP-BJP or N C -Congress coalition, it makes no difference for us and our organization will not support any party which will not promote Hindu cause”.
He said VHP is working in 40 countries across the globe for betterment, upliftment, unity and security of Hindus. “Our ultimate aim is Akhand Bharat which  included Afghanistan, Burma, Nepal, Tibet parts of Central Asia etc”, he added.
Lambasting those forces who are day dreaming of separating Kashmir from India, Dr Togadia said from the day when this universe came into being, the Kashmir has been part of India (Bharat). “It was Kashyap Rishi –a great saint who created this beautiful Valley from a lake thousands of years back and since then it has been an integral part of India”, he added.
The VHP State president Leela Karan Sharma and other leaders gave a complete feed back to Dr Togadia on prevailing situation in the State and problems being confronted by the Hindu Samaj especially the discrimination being faced by the Jammu region in various spheres of life.
The VHP leaders of the State expressed their resentment over the working of present Government saying that there is no visible change on ground between previous and present Government.
Sharing their concern, Dr Togadia also expressed his dismay over it saying it is unfortunate that the anti-national and anti-social elements in the State who still continue to rule the roost have not been given a feeling that there is a Government of nationalist forces now.
While addressing a meeting of lawyers in the evening, Dr Togadia stressed on formation of a law to ban cow slaughter in entire country by the Parliament of India. He was responding to a question from the lawyers that why the cow has not been declared as a national animal in India.  He said it is an emotive issue and VHP is pressing for enactment of a law by Parliament to ban the cow slaughter across the country.
The VHP leader also said that his organization is pressing for a law to ban more than two children to control population explosion in the country.
He said VHP is for making India a Hindu Rashtra and favoured amendment of the Constitution in this regard.
Dr Togadia urged the lawyers to come forward in extending their hand in running the Hindu Helpline launched by VHP. He said the cooperation of lawyers and doctors is needed to make the functioning of this helpline a success.
He appealed to  the lawyers of the State that after receiving any call from Hindu Helpline that people need their support and assistance, they should come forward and do their selfless service especially to poor and down-trodden families mostly from SC community. “The advocates should come forward in providing legal aid to members of SC community when they need it without any charges”, he added.
Addressing the meeting of Durga Vahini (Women Wing of VHP) at Rama Event Barnai, the VHP leader recalled the role of great Indian women right from Vedic period. He said India feels proud of the women folk who have proved their mettle always. He urged the members of Durga Vahini to imbibe the characters of these great Indian women in them.
The prominent VHP leaders who attended the Core Committee meeting included State VHP chief, advocate Leela Karan Sharma, vice presidents, Prabhu Dayal Gupta, Shakti Dutt Sharma, Dev Raj Gupta, Sushila Abrol, Reviti Raman, Ajay Manhas joint secretary and Rajesh Bhasin incharge media.
Among the prominent lawyers present in the meeting included Leela Karan Sharma, Abhinav Sharma ex president Bar Association, Rohit Sharma, Ranjit Singh Jamwal,  Jai Kumar  etc.
The prominent members of Durga Vahini who attended the meeting were its regional convener, Rajni Thukral, Matar Shakti, Vichar Ghosti president, Rita Sharma, Durga Vahini, convener, Shiva Khajuria while Veena Gupta conducted the proceedings.